
Thursday 25 February 2021

eBook Review - Me, My Dad And The End of the Rainbow

I don't feel like I need to say much about this book as this book seems to be EVERYWHERE! So, I should really be writing this as, I bet, you've already know about this and it's either on my To Be Read stack, on your radar or you've already read it. 

So yep. Little behind the times on this one. But when I first heard of this, I knew I had to read it and talk about it on here so, bear with me while I get info and we can talk, dear reader. 

Title And Author: Me, My Dad and the End of the Rainbow by Benjamin Dean

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Physical, eBook or Audiobook: eBook

Bought, Borrowed or Gifted: eProof gifted by UK publisher in exchange for honest review/reaction. 

Length: 352 Pages

Archie Albright's life has been turned upside down since his parents separated and, when they do get together, they seem to fight all the time. And they're both hiding something from him. So when his dad reveals that he's gay, Archie has a hundred questions he's can't find the words to ask and isn't sure how to feel, react or is scared of things changing. But when he discovered a flyer for London Pride, he think this might help reconnect him and his dad and build his family together... but to go, he and his two best friends, Bell and Sea, might have to break some rules...

Monday 22 February 2021

March 2021 TBR

I love how, last week, I wrote about February & Blogging Burnout and, this week, I decided to write about my March 2021 TBR and not, as I thought, me fanboying over awesome TV shows I've been watching or need to start (and before you all say it, yes, It's A Sin in on my To Be Watched list but, from all your tweets, it's going to be put me through the ringer. And it should! If you haven't seen it, GO! Please watch! Same goes with WandaVision. I am going to watch the latest episode once I've finished writing this post and yes, I have seen spoilers for this week's episode and my reaction to reading them is a mix of "Goddamnit!" and "I KNEW IT!!!"). I will probably do a post about podcasts that I loved during the UK's second and third lockdowns (though I worked through them as I couldn't work from home). 

But that's for another day. Today's is me talking about my reading plan for March. Don't get too excited, I have been talking about this for the few weeks. So, no big surprise here but I have my eye on Middle Grade. 

No reason, but Middle Grade stories have been calling to me the past month or so and who am I to refuse the call of delicious stories? Plus, I've already started on one or two Middle Grade reads and they are wonderful fun! 

Now, I am going to say right here and now that I am not going to force myself to read only exclusively Middle Grade. I've tried sticking to one genre for a month in the past and it never ends well. So, I'm going to throw a few others in the mix, just to keep me on my toes. Most of the audiobooks I have either bought, requested from publishers or my library are a really mix bag and while I might not review them all on here (but on my Goodreads or my Twitter. That's a different story!), you will see that I'm try to inject some fun and odd reads back into my life! 

So, keep an eye on here, Twitter (@PewterWolf) or Goodreads ( to see what I am up to. 

Oh, before I tease you with a pic of titles that I MIGHT read in March (definitely will in April), I've decided that I will be taking a few weeks off over April. I usually take two weeks off for Easter but, last year, I didn't due to COVID. This year, I want to get back into the habit of knowing when/if I need blog breaks. So, heads up, might be taking two weeks off in April for blogging recharge. 

Happy reading everyone. Oh wait, teaser pic time! 

Wednesday 17 February 2021

February and Burnout Suck

February is never really a good month for me in general. I am saying this right here and now so you know and understand that when I say "I hate February", you know this isn't a new thing. I've had this relationship with the month since I was 20 and there are reasons I loathe the month (especially the last two weeks of the month). So, I don't like this month. 

But this February has been a weird one. Not only does my general dislike of the month has been creeping out slowly over past few days (writing this the weekend of Valentine's Day as a few days ago), but the COVID-19 situation and the world politics has, I think, slowly got to me and to everyone I know and love. 

I think this is what has happened with me and my relationship with blogging and reviewing. Don't get me wrong, I love reading and I love talking about books, audiobooks and stories. But the past few weeks/months have been a struggle for me. I find writing reviews and blogposts a struggle. And I don't think I am the only one. I've seen and read many book bloggers and vloggers as well as many others in this bookish community saying that they are struggling because of the last 12-18 months. It's been hard on everyone and we all must be kind to ourselves. 

This is why I warned at the beginning of the year that I might not review everything I read and audiobook on the Pewter Wolf or the Pewter Wolf Reads (as I am beginning to call it. Though I might change it back to Pewter Wolf as I might chat about TV, film and podcasts in the future. Possible after my Easter break [a break I missed last year due to... well... needing something to cling onto during the weird times. And I might have gone a tad too hardcore clinging to it like a lifejacket]). And I was true to my word. At the time of writing this, I have read/audiobook about 9 titles and I have only really talked about five on here. The other four (I say four, one was a short story audiobook lasting just over 30 minutes so, technically, should be three but I'm saying four and they are in the pic at the top of this post, if you are curious!) I have chatted about on my Goodreads and on my Twitter [hence, again, why I said to follow/befriend on these platforms.]. 
And all of them were a bit "meh". Two or three star reads at the most. Hence why I didn't really want to write them up on here. I want to talk to you guys about books that are four or five star reads. Stories that, if I met you in the book shop (when we're allowed to), I would rush up to you, thrust the book in your hands and go "OMG! You have to read this!" 

But yes, burnout is a reason. And pressure. Book bloggers/vloggers/grammers/podcasters/etc put ourselves under a lot of pressure and we do it to ourselves. And yes, at times, I do pressure myself into thinking "Should this be the year I bow out of book blogging?". 

But we're all in the same boat (though, not essential workers such as doctors, nurses, hospital porters, postal workers, supermarket workers and others I can name - you guys have gone through so much more and we all need to recognise that!). We are all suffering from burnout and all of us are suffering with mental health due to COVID. Which is why I will say that burnout sucks and, because of that, we all need to look after each other and ourselves. 

Because of that (and February and burnout sucking) I'm telling you now that I'm going to change how I blog. I know I said this earlier this year, but I am going to say it again so I actually listen to myself. I am going to try and take a different, much-more chilled approach to book blogging this year. They will be other posts linked to TV, films, podcasts and other, slightly weird posts, but this will still be a bookish blog. But the Pewter Wolf going to be more relaxed in posts (self-care). So, am going to go off and listen to some jazz/country music (I have started to get into that) and plot a post about TV shows I need to watch ASAP and you can shout at me for being slow. 

Look after yourselves and be kind to each other and yourself. 

Thursday 11 February 2021

#re3 - The Surgeon

My first reread of 2021! And it's in one of my fave genres - crime and thriller. I admit that IO'm not exactly sure why I decided that I wanted to reread (via audiobook) The Surgeon by Tess Gerritsen. I haven't read this since, I think, when I first read it back in April 2006 (?). I usually read her later books such as Body Double (this I hope to reread later this year as well as Vanish and The Mephisto Club. I have really affection for Body Double and Mephisto Club, hence why these two are high on my To Be Reread List). 

Now, if you don't know this book, let me get some info down and chat a little about the book. 

Title And Author: The Surgeon by Tess Gerritsen

Publisher: Bantam/Transworld Digital

Physical, eBook or Audiobook: Audiobook

Bought, Borrowed or Gifted: Borrowed audiobook from local library via BorrowBox

Length: 416 Pages or 10 Hours 49 Minutes

A serial killer is attacking vulnerable women in Boston. He tortures them, does medical procedures on them and then kills them, only to neatly fold their nightgowns and leave the scenes. All these attacks have horrible, if not exact, similars to a spare of killings that happening Savannah two years ago. Expect the surviving victim killed the perpetrator. But the final girl - a doctor now - is working is Boston and, the more the Police investigate the new killings, the more they realise that she is at the heart of it all.

Thursday 4 February 2021

Book Review - The Duke And I

I can almost sense what you all are 
thinking in this, my first romance read of February 2020. You're all thinking "He's only read this because of the Netflix series". And yes, I did. I still haven't watched it, but I have been wanting to read this before I do. So, I asked for it for Christmas, not thinking I would get it. But a Book Blogger Secret Santa got me a copy so, thank you! Now, let me get the info up then we can talk. 

But, before I do, the lovely Connie from Connie Reads is doing a month long readathon of the Bridgerton series and other series written by Julia Quinn. You can read all about it here or, if on Twitter, check out the hashtag #Quinnalong!

Title And Author: The Duke and I by Julia Quinn
Publisher: Piatkus
Physical, eBook or Audiobook: Physical
Bought, Borrowed or Gifted: Gifted via Bookish Secret Santa
Length: 352 Pages

Daphne Bridgerton is looking for a husband in 1800s London. After two seasons, her chances are looking slim. Her brother's old school friend, Simon Bassett (aka the new Duke of Hastings) has no intention of marrying but, returning to England after his father's death, he finds himself the target of many marriage-minded society mothers, desperate for him to marry their daughters. 

The two decide on a plan: they will pretend to form an attachment. This will deflect attentions away from Simon and yet bring attention onto her, making Daphne the belle of London society. But, of course, where does pretending stop and reality begin...

Monday 1 February 2021

February 2021 TBR

Hello to my first TBR post of 2021! I decided to give myself a little break from doing this as having Christmas/New Year break and I like to not rush January reading as, last year, I apparently read/audiobook 100 stories (100?!) so no pressure. Plus, trying to get back into the groove of normal reading/blogging is a little harder to do so reading/blogging might be a little more chill compared to last year's "Reading & blogging is going to save me from COVID-19 paranoid!" 

Because I've decided to be a little more chilled out (easier said than done. I mean, have you seen my To Be Read shelf on my Goodreads [] or any of my social media?!), I'm going to not stress and go with the flow. Well, that was meant to be the plan. But seeing as I'm reading a few romances lately, I thought it would be fun to try and read a romance or two during February as, of course, Feb is the only month we can be romantic to our Other Halves and ourselves - sorry for that hint of bitter sarcasm. I will behave, honest. 

So, I want to read a few romances books. I have my eye on a few that I will ATTEMPT to read, but as you guys know, romance isn't a genre I normally read and I'm not sure I can binge a whole month of romance novels so I'm going to add a few slightly dark reads to my TBR. 

You've guessed it. I am going to throw in a few crime/thriller books in the mix. At the time of writing this, I am currently audiobooking a book I read YEARS AGO and am having a weirdly great time revisiting this story... 

So, February is love and murder reading, and here are a few ideas of the direction am going in...