
Wednesday 21 March 2018

Genre Reading Slump

You know that plan I had at the start of the month? The one where you guys would pick my next read via polls on Twitter and other social media sites. Well... that kinda hasn't happened.

I know, I know, I do this all the time. I have a really cool idea for the blog and a interesting way to interact with you guys and then it all falls flat! Why, I hear you ask. Well... I seem to have hit a reading slump.

But not any reading slump. Oh no, dear reader. It's waste than a reading slump where I don't want to pick up any book. No. I'm in a reading slump against one genre. I can happily read other genres bar this one and this one genre is my bread and butter reading. If you look at my TBR (both physical and Kindle), you'll see that this genre is a huge part of my reading so hitting this reading wall is painful and really problematic for me!

That genre is fantasy.

I love fantasy. I adore it and I have plans to widen my reading scope of fantasy, going to more adult and more longer in length - You guys saw I audiobooked The Discovery of Witches trilogy and I read The Queen of the Tearling trilogy last year - so I'm ready for this challenge. Am ready to try and reread Eragon by Christopher Paolini, and try new fantasy books such as Trudi Canavan, the Earthsea series by Ursula K Le Guin, more Discworld by Terry Pratchett and get round to Book of Dust: La Belle Sauvage by Philip Pullman.

But it looks like I need to take a read or two (or seven - who knows?!) away from fantasy and read different genres. No idea what I will read (The Book Thief? Americanah? The Clan of the Cave Bear? Who knows?!) but bear with me while I run a little loopy on "What's on my TBR that isn't fantasy?" blitz. Normal reading schedules will return hopefully soon, but hopefully, trying new things is going to be fun! ... right?

Maybe it is a good thing that I'm planning a tiny blog break over Easter... Hopefully, this is will get my reading back on track!

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