
Thursday 24 February 2011

EXCITING NEWS!!! (aka MundieMoms Did What?!)

I AM VERY EXCITED! VERY VERY VERY EXCITED! And I was VERY HAPPY late Tuesday night & throughout the whole of yesterday. Why, I hear you ask. Well, because of the image below.


I told a few people about this and I just got blank stares, but to me, this is a HUGE deal! Not only is my little (slightly insane) blog on another blog's affiliate list, but it's a huge blog site that I ACTUALLY use and love (I discovered them while I was reading the Mortal Instruments trilogy as it was called back then!), but I am on a list with other blogs that I love and have huge respect for like Fallen ArchAngel, Girls in the Stacks and Wondrous Reads!

I can't tell you how thrilled and honoured I am about this! I just want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to MundieMoms for thinking my blog is WORTHY enough to be put on the list!

Well, actually, I think I should take a small paragraph to say thank you to every book blogger who I met, tweet, and facebook for all the advice, book excitement and general making me feel like I'm not the only book addict in the world. Thanks guys! You are awesome!

Anyway, because of MundieMoms putting me on their affiliate list, I was asked if I had a Blog Button. I didn't so after manic tweeting about ideas, HTLM coding & advice (must thank Iffath from Love Reading X who helped ALOT, but also thanks to Jennifer from Fallen ArchAngel, Mitali from Alley Of Books & Jeremy from Novel Thoughts!), I HAVE A BLOG BUTTON! YEAH!!! So, if you want it on your blog (if you want), you can have one!

Now, I wanted to show you the image I used and the image I was considering using, but after asking twitter, I decided against it... But again, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Haha, go you :D *still needs to read the Mortal Instruments..*

    And you're very welcome :3

  2. Aw, I'm totally honored over your post!! You've been a huge supporter and we really appreciate that. THANK YOU!
    I love the blog buttons!! Once we get our affiliate button put together, we'll add yours :)

  3. I love that you went with the gansta Andrew button. Now I want to go watch that YouTube video again (at least that one part. You know the part I'm talking about ;P )

    BRB, watching

    LMAO! That point at the very beginning where you have this resigned look of sheer terror on your face never ceases to entertain me :-) <3

  4. I love your blog buttons.So cool.Well done on your arrival on Mundie Moms blog!

  5. Awww! Such lovely messages. *blushes*

    Now that am on MundieMoms blog, how long do you think it will be before I get thrown off? *plots and evil laughs*
