
Thursday 14 July 2011

Meet The Blogger - Cicely Loves Books

Hello again! It's Thursday so it's another Meet The Blogger post! This week's Blogger is Cicely from Cicely Loves Books. Check out her blog at! But first, check out her answers. ENJOY!

When did you start blogging?
September 2010! The 13th to be exact. I always knew 13 wasn’t an unlucky number ;)

What made you start blogging?
I wish I had some great story for you, but really, I just saw some really awesome book blogs and thought, ‘Hey, I read, too! I know, I’ll start a book blog too! Yay!’ That’s kinda it…

What was the first book you reviewed for your blog and what was your reaction to it?
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare, and I completely loved it. I do not, however, love my review of it. It’s kind of embarrassing really… I’ve gotten better since then ;)

When was the first time you realised you were a Book Blogger?
I don’t really know what you mean by this… I don’t think I ever had some big revelation in my fairly short time blogging that I am most definitely a book blogger, or before I started blogging. I started on a whim, and I have, and still am, growing into becoming a proper book blogger. That’s sounds good, right? #notmakingsense ;)

How much of your time a week do you spend blogging?
Ummm… A lot...? A few hours a week, I guess. It depends on how much I’ve read and how much I’ve got to review and whether I’ve scheduled posts, but a few hours at least, I would say.

Has your taste in book genres changed since starting the blog?
Yes! I used to be a right YA Paranormal junkie! I wouldn’t touch a contemporary with a stick. I just thought it wasn’t my thing, but boy was I wrong! My taste in books has grown and changed immensely since September. I don’t think I even knew what Dystopia was before the blog! I love my taste in books now. It’s pretty awesome ;)

What book are you reading at the moment?
I’m sort of inbetween books right now, but I just finished The Truth About Celia Frost (google it) and it was pretty awesome. Very unique. I’m either going to start Haunting Violet or Torment next.

What book has got you very excited or made you cry?
Boy, this could be a LONG list. I’m probably one of the biggest crybabies you’ll find, no lies. I cry at practically everything, it’s ridiculous. Artichoke Hearts made me cry a lot, but that’s because it was pretty personal. If I Stay made me WEEP. Delirium made me sob my heart out, Across the Universe made me cry quite a lot, and The Hunger Games. Mockingjay killed me. I think I answered this a bit too much…

Have you read any book that you disliked so much you threw it across the room?
Umm, no.

What advice would you give to anyone who wants to take part or what to set up a book blog?
Just do it! Why not? What’s the worst that could happen, y’know! Also, don’t take my advice! ;)

Now, to ask five fun quick-fire questions. What song are you listening to right now?
1996 – The Wombats. (Freaking LOVE The Wombats! ;D)

MySpace, Facebook or Twitter?
Twitter, duh!

Hardback, paperbacks or eBooks?
Hardbacks. They’re so pretty… Anything but e-books! E-books are EVIL.

Letters, phone, texting or emailing?
Emails, or letters. Post makes me happy :) Plus phone calls scare me.

Zombies or unicorns?
You deem this a quickfire question?! So difficult to answer… I’m going to go with unicorns for now (or Vunicorns… ;p) But zombies are pretty awesome too.


  1. It's lovely to get to know more about a blogger that I follow on a regular basis :)

  2. It's lovely to get to know more about a blogger that I follow on a regular basis! :)

  3. Am so glad you guys are liking Meet The Bloggers! Your reactions makes me smile!

  4. Thank you for having me! :D
