
Thursday 11 August 2011

Meet The Blogger - Leanne Luce

Why, hello! Welcome back to another Meet The Blogger post. This week's blogger is Leanne from Leanne-Luce - YA FOREVER. Please check out her blog at I hope you enjoy this week's questions and answers.


When did you start blogging?
Started last October, but have been blogging most frequently since January

What made you start blogging?
My huge love of books. Always had a book on the go for a good few years now & love nothing more than geeking out about what I loved and what didn’t work for me. Thought the best place to do that would be on a blog.

What was the first book you reviewed for your blog and what was your reaction to it?
Crescendo By Becca Fitzpatrick - Really enjoyed the book, but did prefer its prequel Hush, Hush

When was the first time you realised you were a Book Blogger?
I don’t know if I would consider myself a book blogger just yet. I feel I have a long way to go till I’m worthy of that title

How much of your time a week do you spend blogging?
At the moment about hour and half. I was blogging more frequently, but life got in the way. Trying to get my mojo back!

Has your taste in book genres changed since starting the blog?
Definitely, I’m more eager to try to read a more diverse range of books. Have especially found a love of Dysotopian style books

What book are you reading at the moment?
I’m reading ‘The Dark Divine’ By Bree Despain

What book has got you very excited or made you cry?
So many books have made me excited - Harry Potter, Twilight, Mortal Instruments, Vampire Academy, DIVERGENT (<3 It). I’ve never full on sobbed at a book, but New Moon & The Host by Stephenie Meyer made me very tearful. Found them both so powerful

Have you read any book that you disliked so much you threw it across the room?
I think if I really disliked a book, I just wouldn’t bother reading it. Much rather spend my time reading stuff that I enjoy. I have had books that have made frustrated though and so making me want to throw my book!

What advice would you give to anyone who wants to take part or what to set up a book blog?
Well as someone that is still rather new to it, its to talk to other bloggers and get advice. Also try and find something different to do. Maybe just the way you write a review or your content, just do something that makes you memorable in some way.

Now, to ask five fun quick-fire questions. What song are you listening to right now?
Grey Room By Damien Rice

MySpace, Facebook or Twitter?
Facebook, closely followed by Twitter

Hardback, paperbacks or eBooks?

Letters, phone, texting or emailing?

Zombies or unicorns?
Zombie Unicorn ;)


  1. Ooo love me some Damien Rice

    Fab to Meet Leanne even though I already know her and know she's awesome!
