
Saturday 31 March 2012

Once Upon An Twitter...

This might be classed as a brilliant idea. Or a stupid idea. Or an insane idea. But, here goes...

This Sunday, the UK TV station, Channel 5, will be revealing the much-hyped and highly anticipated US drama, Once Upon A Time. I, for one, am very excited about the show. So, to randomly celebrate it, I am going to do a Tweet-A-Long to the pilot episode (I'm not doing this every week! This is a one-off!).

I sure we all have updated our Facebook, Twitter & Tumblr at shows and their plot twists and I thought I would, for a laugh, tweet my reactions to the show and answering the question we all asked: Does this show live up to the hype?

I thought, as a laugh, I would watch one of the videos Channel 5 have revealed in the run-up and give you a taster of what I had planned...

8 Seconds: "Sorry I'm late." You're not sorry. If you were, you would have sneak in, mouthing the words "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!"
13 Seconds: Not sure about the special effects, but am loving the music. Will this be out on CD/iTunes soon?
23 Seconds: Badass Snow White!
36 Seconds: "I will not let you ruin this wedding." But she has! She just burst in! Plus, she is the "Evil" Queen...
47 Seconds: "But you shall have it." Because you forgot to get a gift receipt?

I'm not saying my tweets will be like this. More likely, they will be full of flirting, questions, screaming at the telly, and small (maybe not funny) jokes about a situation.

But I do hope you can join me. My Twitter is @PewterWolf13 and I shall (hopefully) start tweeting just before 8pm BST. If you can't make it, don't worry. I plan to put the tweets on the blog after the show.

So, hopefully, I will see you there tomorrow! Have a magical weekend!


  1. Ooh! I haven't heard of this - i may have to check it out (it shows that I don't watch 5 very often lol)

    Sounds like a great idea by the way :D

    1. I am not going to lie, I totally love this show, and other than Revenge, it's the only new show I've kept up with. The special effects are a bit lame at times, but I love the actors and the storylines. I'm a sucker for anything to do with fairy tales. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it!

    2. I'm looking forward to Revenge also. So glad e4 got the rights for it. I might do a tweet-a-long with that if I feel brave.

  2. Definitely joining you! If I can make my phone work... I love the idea to this series.
