
Tuesday 28 August 2012

I Have To Tell You Guys Something...

Right, this has happened very quickly and I'm still very unsure whether to tell you this. But, here I am, telling you.

I self-published a few short stories on Amazon.

There. I said it. And yes, writing that sentence makes me actually want to run to the bathroom, lock the door and NEVER EVER COME OUT! But I have to hunt for jobs, read a ton of books and, you know, live. So, am writing this so tell you why I did this.

Self publishing never sat well with me. And with wonderful writers breaking through this way, I've always been a bit... wary of it. So after hearing "why don't you self-publish?" for goodness knows how long, I pretend to listen when, actually, I'm not.

So when my brother-in-law dared me to (so when he gets an iPad upgrade, I get his new one), I thought "I want that iPad. Plus, he and my family won't think I do it..." And going through the stories was fun. After writing long stories, I forgot how much fun writing short stories were.

Editing the little buggers, on the other hand. Oh, how I HATE editing! And with Amazon being picky on certain things (you can't use Tab and you MUST use page break at the end of every chapter/short story), I'm surprised it took SO LONG! My boyfriend and I started editing this on Saturday morning at around 11:30am. We didn't hit the upload button till 6:30pm-ish. And we took break because he had to calm me down as I was SERIOUSLY freaking out, and thinking of ways to back out. My fave excuse was "BUT NO ONE WILL READ MY WRITING! I'M NOT AWESOME LIKE JK ROWLING!"

So, what does this now mean? Well, honestly, nothing. I'm still going to write the blog and read books/eBooks. Am still going to write and look for literary agents and publishers. That hasn't changed. But I have uploaded some stories on Amazon for an iPad. No other reason.

If you feel brave, the collection of short stories is called The Perfect Day and it's on for £1.59 (I know, a bit much. But it has something to do with royalties. I think.). I'm pretty sure this is on also, but am too scared to check. This is the same with the reviews. Haven't check what been written on Amazon or my Facebook wall as I'm not thick skinned.

But I thought you better know. With that done, it's over to you. If you want to buy and read it, great. If not, that's cool too. Anyway, better let you go and enjoy this fine Tuesday! Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. I have added it to my wishlist. Enjoy your ipad and have a little faith in yourself, m'dear!
