
Tuesday 31 December 2013

2013 - In Review

Well, dear readers, 2013 is nearly over. This year's Father Time will soon be handing over the reins to next year's Father Time. And 2013 has been a weird year for me.

Not personnel. This year for my private life has been interesting and fun and, at time, the cause of many headaches!

But for my bloggy life - it has been mad!

Not only did I do this blog and do all the awesome things such as Book Blogger Events, author signings and general book lushing (that goes on quite a lot in my book world. Ask the Person I'm With. He now gives me a time limit in visiting Waterstones [other book shops are available] and I have to be more strict about how many books/eBooks I have so I need to be more strict on my book culling - let's say my local charity shops HATE me now!).

But I have been very lucky to do things that, if it wasn't for the blog or me screaming on Twitter about my love for books, I wouldn't have had the chance to do.

I beta-read a novel MONTHS before it got published. I have NO IDEA how that happened by the lovely A.E. Rought thought it would be a smart idea to ask me to read/edit her baby that turned into Tainted. Of course I said yes and I attacked it with a red pen! Not sure if she trusts me now with edits but yes, I beta-read a book! And I think I'm in the acknowledgements (but I can't be sure because I can't buy myself a copy ANYWHERE!!!)

And I did guest blog post and vlogs! I've always tried to do guest blogs but I don't like using the camera on myself so the fact I am braving the internet WITH MY FACE and THAT VOICE is a big deal. I hope I can do some more of those in the future! I have to thank Stevie from Sable Caught for allowing me to record a joint video of us chatting about Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express (and more grateful that it has NEVER SEEN THE LIGHT OF DAY! I bet I was awful in it!). And thanks to Bookish Brits for having me on not once but twice!

And then I did some really awesome (aka "HOW ON EARTH IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME!?") things. Thanks to Walker Books, I went to the Press Screening of Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. Then, madly, I went on the set of upcoming movie Vampire Academy and interviewed the author, producers & actors for the site (my report should be up sometime in January/February of 2014 - and SURPRISE, by the way! Was keeping this a secret but I WANNA TELL YOU GUYS! I WANTED TO TELL YOU GUYS FOR SOOOOOOO LOOOOONNNNGGG!!!) and I was reporting for Fangirlish on the red carpet of the world premiere of Catching Fire (my report is here, by the way!)! I was within TOUCHING DISTANCE of Jen, Josh and that is one very surreal thought! So, my thanks to Jeremy for suggesting me and to Erin for saying "Let's give the mad Brit a try".

And then, because of Catching Fire, I was invited onto the podcast, Mystical Lit Lounge and chatted about the event (my episode is here). Now, I love the podcast so to be invited was exciting and an honor. And I had such fun doing it (and I might have to gatecrash/beg to go back. Even if it's to say hello to Shannon, who sadly wasn't there!). So, to Kim who asked if I could do it and then chatting to me about all things Catching Fire and then all things books, thank you!

So, this year has been very unexpected!

And I wanted to thank everyone. To all the blogs, all the authors, all the publishers, all the podcasts, everyone I interviewed/scared. Thank you! You all are awesome and thank you!

To all you readers who read my blog, follow my Twitter, the blog's Facebook page, Pinterest or the Goodreads, thank you for coming on this mad journey and, hopefully, enjoying the ride!

And to all my real life family, friends, and my Other Half, thank you for allowing me to do all this stuff, even though you think I am mad to do them! Thank you for being wonderful, brave and just being there in my life. I have no idea where I would be without you all! I love you.

So, now with that all out of the way, I want to wish and hope you all have a wonderful 2014. So, raise your glass/mugs/chocolate, laptop, iPod/iPhone, the nearest pet you can lay your hands on and let's welcome to New Year in style.

We've all done that? Ok, now, play your favorite song, play it loud and DANCE LIKE NO ONE'S WATCHING!!!

(what? you thought I wasn't going to put a gif in this post? Don't you know me AT ALL?!) xP


  1. Love the videos. That year went by fast :) Happy New Year to you!

  2. Aw, this is lovely! I'm glad you had such a wonderful year - you deserve it my dear!x

  3. Awww, I love this post - it sounds like you've had an awesome year and packed so much in. Here's to more like it!

    Happy New Year! :)

  4. ahahaha this is very nice a post => i am dancing now ohh yeah
