
Friday 27 February 2015

NetGalley Declined Requests - REVEALED

I did want to write a post about some books in my TBR pile. Just to give you guys a sneaky peek in what I have and to just big up some exciting titles that I haven't had chance to read. But when I tried to start that post, I got a little overwhelmed. But I wanted to do something similar, and this was my first idea that got me very excited!

I mean, I might have got declined these reads but why not show them off? You guys might discover them and go "That sounds perfect for me!" Which is why I am going to link them to GoodReads so if any take your fancy, you can read up about them on that at your leisure)

Now, I know I got my decline requests on NetGalley and, with each one I got, I get weirdly excited. That's weird to admit but yes, I get excited over getting decline requests (so publishers, if you see my name via NetGalley, you can reject my request. I won't take it badly. I probably will go "They decline me? AWESOME!!!").

So, let me pick a few of these (I got 10 so far.) and explain why I requested them...

THESE BROKEN STARS & THIS SHATTERED WORLD by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner (Disney-Hyperion - GoodReads Link for TBS and GoodRead Link for TSW)
Ok, let's get the requests that hurt out of my system first. But yes... I requested both of these and both were rejected. It was because both these books were getting such hype round them and both were super cool. Titanic in space? SOLD! But I believe both were for US readers only (I lived in hope). Plus, I have read them both (audiobook for These Broken Stars and the lovely Luna from Luna's Little Library loaned me for ARC of This Shattered World) and I am still shocked that this series hasn't got a UK publisher! SERIOUSLY?!

HIS ROOMMATE'S PLEASURE by Lana McGregor (Carina Press - GoodReads Link)
I have no idea why I requested this. I can't honestly remember why. I think I wanted to read more grown up books featuring same sex relationships. But it feels like most of the stories I seem to come across in the LGBT section on Amazon seem to be erotica and have some form of S&M in it. Really? I just want a love story where the couple have a happy ever after, who happen to be gay. Is that too much to ask?

CLOSE UP by Kelly Brook (Pan Macmillan - GoodReads Link)
This was an impulse request. I think Kelly does sometimes get a bit of a bad wrap so I wanted to read her side of the story. Plus, I wanted to read more widely and non-fiction was one of those areas I wanted to start reading. But a few days after I requested it, I had a small panic and went "I'm not sure if I want to read this now". I think some stuff had come out in the news and it made me feel very uncomfortable so I was a little relieved to get declined.

TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD by Harper Lee (Cornerstone/Random House UK - GoodReads Link)
This is one of the only few classics I have wanted to read for YEARS now. It's rare that I want to read a "classic" but yes, To Kill A Mockingbird is one of them. And it was on NetGalley to co-inside with the release of this becoming an eBook for the first time. I got decline for this, but I got a copy of this on my Kindle and I have every plan to read it within the next six months so THIS IS GONNA HAPPEN! Just a tad later than when I was expecting it. But this sounds like something I am going to love and effect the way I view the world...

DIE AGAIN by Tess Gerritsen (Transworld Books/Random House UK - GoodReads Link)
Though I don't read the genre often, I really enjoy reading crime books. And one of my fave authors in the crime/thriller worlds is Tess Gerritsen. So, when I saw her latest on NetGalley, I thought about requesting this for a while. It had been a few years since I read her last and with me watching the TV show inspired by this series, I was unsure if I was going to sink into this world. But I requested it after I read the eNovella John Doe. I forgot how much I enjoy reading about these characters. While I was declined this, I do want to go back and read another of Tess's books, but I don't own any of them now sadly so I will have to go hunting in charity shops or go scare my local library...

THE CONSPIRACY OF US by Maggie Hall (Putman Juvenile/Penguin Group USA - GoodReads Link)
I think I first heard of this on a podcast I listen to call Bookhype. They were chatting about this book and it intrigued me. A teen Da Vinci Code? With hints of glamour, romance, secrets and ancient prophecy? It could be a read I speed through one hot sunny day on a beach. Again, like These Broken Stars, I do think this was for US readers only and I'm not certain if it has a UK publisher, but this sounded like a fun read!

Ok, that's it. Am not going to show any more. Some of them I want to hold back on in case I fancy doing another post in a few months time (fingers crossed for my declined request, people! My tastes in books are going through a weird phase at the moment so... yeah...)

But tell me, have you read any of these books? Did you like them? Should I hunt them down and read them at once? Or, if I see them, should I try and run in the opposite direction? Leave a comment or tweet me and let me know! Am curious on what you guys think....

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