
Friday 21 August 2015

Winterkill's New Covers!

I am quite excited to be one of the bloggers to reveal the new covers for the Winterkill trilogy, written by Kate A. Boorman (published by Faber and Faber). I must thank Hannah for including me in this reveal as I still HAVEN'T ready Winterkill as of yet. I am planning to read this in the winter months. It just screams "Read me with snow and hot chocolate!".

Anyway, let me reveal the new covers for the first 2 books in the trilogy, Winterkill and Darkthaw!

Like I said, these books scream winter, right? Both look cold and creepy and I just can't believe I haven't started this series yet as everyone I know who has started this trilogy is raving about it!

Also, Hannah at Faber has given us a sneaky peek over the third and final cover in the trilogy, Heartfire. Now, this is a sneak peek so this isn't finished. A lot can change from now till the book's release so treat this cover with caution.

I have to admit, these covers are divine! The designer and illustrator, Will Steele and Helen Crawford-White, did a wonderful job! Am really excited to read the book and find out whether the covers match the insides of the books. 

But what do you think? Do you like? Do you hate? Leave a comment down below, as I would love to know what you guys thinks! 

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