
Monday 4 January 2016

New Year Resolutions

Dear Andrew,

I know you don't like thinking about New Year Resolutions as you don't usually stick to them. But with the blog, I thought it would be nice of you to have a few. Just for a while. Plus, these are resolutions are resolutions I think will keep.

So, let's talk about these resolutions for the Pewter Wolf, shall we?

1. Don't stress over the blog
I know you worry about the blog. I know this as you worry you're not good enough or the blog isn't good enough. This has to stop. You shouldn't get yourself into a state over the blog. This is suppose to be a fun full-time hobby. So stop worrying. You're doing good, don't let worrying over it.

2. More rereads (#re3) & try and use your Kindle more...
I know you said you would reread more books over the past few years and last year, you read all seven Harry Potter books and you had fun! You enjoyed doing them, and you always started thinking about rereading other books. So, why not? I'm not going to give you a target but this year, just try to read a few rereads. I think we know what rereads you want to read...

And Kindle... yeah... moving on!

3. Don't double up
Ok, I know you don't do this, but let's try and see if we can keep this going. It's rare that you read the same author back-to-back (I know you read Lemony Snicker back to back for a while, but that was in 2015 to get you out a reading slump, so this doesn't count!), but maybe for a month or two, we should try and make this rule go with genre as well. It would be an interesting challenge.

4. Take more risks
You've done this with the audiobooks you listened to last year and you had have kinda started with the books, but let's push ourselves. Let's go further! You might not like everything you read, but at least you're trying new stuff and things outside your comfort zone. If you want, keep trying new things with audiobooks but be braver with stories! BE BRAVER!

5. Take Blog Breaks (And Stick to Them!)
I know you try and take time away from the blog and not post anything for a month - your RSM - but you changed the dates last month. And you didn't really stick to it. You posted guest posts and you wrote posts for the following month. How about for a month, you take a break from the blog and you stay away from your laptop? It will do you some good to have a break. The world isn't going to end because you take some time off. Ever if it's for a few weeks, do it! Enjoy your non-blogger life. You might like that hot glowing thing in the sky...

6. See resolution one over you feeling like a book blogger fraud
Relax. Breath. You are not faking this so please don't stress over the feeling you are not good enough to be a book blogger, that you are a fake, a fraud. You are not. How many more times will people need to tell you this?

7. Read for fun!
Ok, this is something you are very good at. Just read what you want to read. And to hell with everyone else!

Do you think you can do that, Andrew? Will you at least try?

Glad we had this chat. Ok, off you go into 2016 and to doing that boring thing we call a job...

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