
Tuesday 5 July 2016

Book Review - The Art of Finding Dory

As you guys know if you have followed this blog for a while, I like those arty books. I especially like reading those "The Art of [Insert Movie Name Here]". This is something I have been curious over for years, but it seems to be the past few years that I treat myself and devour the art, design and little notes. I have the Art of Finding Nemo, Up, Frozen, The Avengers (aka Avengers Assemble) and, of course, Harry Potter: Page to Screen and Harry Potter: The Creature Vault. Not a lot, but I enjoy staring at the art.

So, when I was emailing the lovely people at Abram and Chronicle Books (who's imprint, Chronicle Books who publish most of the Disney The Art of books), I chatted about The Art of Finding Dory. They said "We'll try and chat to Disney about you getting a copy", but I didn't think much of it. Sorry, but I couldn't imagine the powers at Disney allowing a tiny blog such as my tiny Pewter Wolf baby to read and review it?

So imagine my shocked delight when this came through my door. So, thank you Chronicle Books and Disney/Pixar!

Highly anticipated sequel to Finding Nemo (one of my fave movies, FYI), Finding Dory is finally about to come out in the UK! And here, in The Art of Finding Dory, we see snippets of ideas and artwork that went into making the movie. From new characters and locations, from photographs and concept art to sculptures and sketches, this is an insight to how the movie was made.

This is one side of how the movie was made, and it's the one I really enjoy. I always enjoy how people designed themes and who the get ideas/emotions over within a scene, and how they created new characters (I found the new characters Hank the octopus, Destiny the whale shark and Bailey the beluga whale so interesting and, without even seeing the movie yet, I know I will love these characters oh so much!) and locations.

My advice to you guys is that if you are going to get this, get it after you watched the movie. There is a few hints towards how the movie ends. It doesn't go really into depth but if you dislike spoilers, I would say buy/read after watching the movie.

But I really enjoyed reading this! And I shall be skimming this and The Art of Finding Nemo after I watch Finding Dory... 

I'm feeling in a good mood, so let me show you some (non-spoiler) pictures within the book...

This is my favourite illustration within this book, so I have to give it credit. The below is a "Digital Painting" (no idea what that means) is done by Rona Liu and Sharon Calahan, and isn't it cool? ISN'T IT?! 

1 comment:

  1. This looks incredible. Might have to treat myself...
