
Thursday 5 January 2017

New Year Resolutions for 2017

HELLO 2017! It's so nice to meet you at last! It's been a long time coming so here we are. You lovely lovely today.

Anyway, this is my New Year's Resolutions blog post. Basically, this is me telling you all my goals/hopes/dreams for what I want to do for the blog and my reading for the next 12 months.

Now, some are going to be repeats for previous New Year Resolutions so skip those if you are bored but here there are.

Ok, this might seem like a no brainer, but we bookish people (bloggers/vloggers/podcasters/etc) start this as a hobby and then, somewhere along the way, it becomes a little overwhelming. We put ourselves under pressure (no one is putting this pressure on us. We do it ourselves!) to read EVERY book/ebook/audiobook that we own. And we shouldn't live like this. Reading is a pleasure, it should be fun. So, that is my main rule of this year (hence why this rule is underlined and none of the others are!): read for fun. If I read for fun and for my own enjoyment, you guys will see it in my posts. 

This one is going to be more tricky but, if I am going to read for my own pleasure, then I need to be more ruthless on what I read, how I read and why I read. Literary agents and publishers have this rule - they read the first three chapters. If these chapters don't grab them, they move on. It's not for them. And that's what I'm going to do more of. If I don't click with a story, put it down and move on. Why force yourself to read something you're not liking when you have something on TBR that you KNOW you will love? So, yes, more ruthless in my reading and why - but I will take about why I DNF something in blog posts. I want to be honest with you guys. 

I like pushing myself to try new things. Sometimes it works and sometime it doesn't. But I want to keep pushing myself on this, to try new and exciting stories (you might notice I do this via audiobook and NetGalley, FYI) and see if I discover a new story or author that I can love! And maybe read things that might be on everyone's radar... HIGHLY UNLIKELY but try and be brave!

Do I really need to go into this one? I think it speaks for itself... 

I signed up to do this (introduction post for that is here!). So, 12 books (min) by authors who either are born & live in UK, born in UK but live overseas or born overseas but live in the UK. Ok, I know I can smash this anyway, but I want to do this while reading authors from all over the globe. 

Well, it comes to no surprise to anyone that I want to do some rereads (or #re3 as I call them on the blog!), but I have set a challenge for myself. I must reread all 5 The Old Kingdom series novels by Garth Nix AND all 3 His Dark Materials novels by Philip Pullman (I chat about my plans here). The time is right for me to blitz these reads! I AM SO READY! 

(and I can reread any book/audiobook I want without guilt! That is going to be more tricky, me thinks...)

Need I say more...?

*burst into hysterical laughter* I'll try and I will fail! 

Oh, this isn't a resolution but over the course of the year, I will be doing polls on my Twitter ( so you guys pick my next read. I'll give you guys a heads-up on the blog, via the blog's Facebook page ( or via the lovely people at Bookish Brits or I'll do it on the spur of the moment. The poll will be done in a mix of way - titles, authors, genres, publishers, the cover's main colour, etc. So keep your eyes peeled as for some reasons, you will be in control!

There are a few other things I would like to put as a resolution, but I might keep them quiet for a while as this year might be a trial run over if I can write/do those things. So keep your eyes peeled on them as well.

Yes, that's it. I think. No, that's it. This is most/some/not even a good amount of New Year resolutions for the blog in 2017 but I am going to try and keep to these resolutions and make this an awesome year for the Pewter Wolf!

1 comment:

  1. These are some good resolutions. I particularly like the idea of not forcing myself to read books I'm not enjoying. That three chapter rule seems golden to me - I'm totally stealing it lol. All the best for the new year!
