
Thursday 12 January 2017

The Bedtime Book Tag

Ok, 10 o'clock at night isn't my bedtime. Let me make this clear. But what a better time to unleash this post upon the internet then at night at most people's bedtime, right?

You can blame the lovely ladies at Bedtime Book Club on YouTube for me doing this. They did a video on this tag and... well... I had to do it. I believe the original creator of the tag is Kelly's BookSpill (but can I find the video in question? Nope! Sorry, Kelly!)

Right, ok. Let's get this slumber party started, shall we....?

What book kept you up all night reading?
There is a lot of books that keep me up all night reading. But with the one, am going to say my current (at the time of writing this post) reads which are Carve The Mark by Veronica Roth and a reread of Northern Lights by Philip Pullman. I can happily stay up quite late with these and not worry about work or my partner giving me sleepy death-glares. 

What book made you scared to go to sleep?
I am a wuss. I am a huge scaredy cat so horror isn't a genre I go towards. I do, however, like thrillers so that's where I get most of my scares. I remember getting freaked out while reading The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson - I would imagine the ghost of Jack the Ripper hiding under my bed and getting out of bed was a scary thought at gone midnight. Though, I remember the audiobook of Susan Hill's The Woman in Black scaring me a lot! It's the gothic creepy atmosphere she creates that got to me... 

What book almost put you to sleep?
OH, SO MANY! Am trying to think of one that did make me fall asleep. *eyes my DNF pile* I think I might say Heartless by Marissa Meyer. Now, I am planning to go back to this but, at the time when I tried to read this, I struggled. I was in a huge reading slump because of Garth Nix's Goldenhand so anything I was going to read then was in for a uphill battle... 

What book has you tossing and turning in anticipation of its release?
I have been very lucky to be given some advance reader copies of books that I am very excited to read this year. But let me give you two titles as these books I have been screaming about for ages! These are The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas and Traitor to the Throne by Alwyn Hamilton. Just... OH MY!!! 

What book has your dream girlfriend/boyfriend?
I fall in love with characters so quickly, it's almost a joke. But I can't seem to think of anyone! I do have a soft spot for Alec in the first Mortal Instruments (only read books 1 to 3. Not read the latter as I heard things and NOPE!) but I remember having strong feelings to Emmett in the Twilight Saga (no idea why!) and Dean Thomas from the Harry Potter series. Oh, I fall in love very easily. 

What book world would be your worst nightmare to live in?
The first thought that popped into my head in the Old Kingdom world (from the Old Kingdom series from Garth Nix). I would be dead so quickly and then an evil necromancer would bring me back as a Hand (read the series to find out what that means). But the world where the Hunger Games is more terrifying! But wherever I live, I would be fearing for my life, I think. 

What book cover reminds you of nighttime?
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. I adore the cover and I actually need to buy a physical copy as I read this on my kindle and I would love to reread this! 

What book has a nightmarish cliffhanger?
I can't think of any. My brain has actually gone blank. I know I have read these cliffhanger endings and screamed and gone "WHY?!" but I can't think of any!!! This is bad! Any trilogy I have read do this. I know the Half Bad trilogy by Sally Green did this and it broke me to wait. So, let's say that and move on! But this might be a veto question for me... 

What book have you actually dreamed about?
Am positive I have dreamed about Hogwarts I dream of places or situations rather than me being or interacting with characters. I'm positive I've dreamt I was in Hogwarts and Forks, but I know I dreamt of situations: mainly from thrillers I've read. I know that I've dreamt of situations I have read within two of Tess Gerritsen's novels, Body Double and Vanish. Both of those dreams freaked me out. I'm sorry, but walking into a morgue and seeing yourself lying on the morgue table or a dead person in a bodybag actually being alive is just... nightmare panic! 

What book monster would you not want to find under your bed?
DEMENTORS FOR THE HARRY POTTER SERIES! They are the scariest creatures I have ever read and I just... *shudders* 

1 comment:

  1. Wow - this is a really nice book tag. I laughed at the book that made you scared to go to sleep - I don't read horror either but a friend recommended I read Coraline. Being a childrens book I thought, how bad can it be? I was terrified! I had to stay awake all night to finish reading it otherwise I never would have slept. Button-eyed people really freaked me out!
