
Tuesday 16 May 2017

The Fallen Children Launch Party

Or, as I like to the call it, NICHOLAS CAGE CAKE!!! (hence the link and my reason why is coming soon!) 

So, last week, I was very kindly invited to the launch of David Owen's The Fallen Children. This was fluke as I met David at the launch party for Melinda Salisbury's The Scarecrow Queen and he asked if I wanted to come along. So, hidden in the depths of London, a small launch party for David and his slightly creepy book was taking place, filled with lovely kind people such as family, friends, authors, book publishing peeps, bloggers gathered. 

And I managed to sneak in! 

After sneaking in and buying a mystery copy of The Fallen Children (I have always told David I was going to buy a copy at his launch party), had a glass of pale ale (NOT WINE THIS TIME!), I spent time chatting briefly to David but to other people who turned up such as Jim from YA Yeah Yeah, Darran from ShinraAlpha, Charlie from @charlieinabookNicola Burstein, Non Pratt, Lisa Williamson, Robin Stevens, Simon P Clark and others (who's names I have forgotten as my memory is useless! But you know who you are and I hope you shout at me!). 

During this time, we had a speech from David (a clip is down below and I want to apologise for the audio. Hand was on my phone's mic!) 
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Yes, there was some music playing (including Sonic the Hedgehog's theme song. You can tell who the gamers were because the gamers bopped to that and the others looked at us weirdly) and there was Village of the Damned playing on mute on the TV (a bit of inspiration for the book, I think. Don't hold me to that!) and we had cake. 

Including the late comer of a cake. But seeing as I never know when to leave these events, I saw it. And it blew away my wildest dreams when I heard rumour of this cake's existence. I mean, LOOK AT IT!!! 

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Is it terrifying?! What's more creepy is that while chatting to Simon P Clarke, he had a piece of Nicholas Cage's mouth. SIMON'S CAKE WAS SCREAMING AT HIM!!! 

After that, I made my way home. Sadly, I had to train it home so can sleep for work the following morning (groan) but want to thank David for inviting me and for everyone at the event for making it a fun evening! 

Now, before I sign off, I managed to somehow get David to sign my copy of Fallen Children. Now, David told me that in every signing he did that night, he signed it linked to a song depending on the colour of the cover and no one understood the reference. I got mine and howled with laughter. And so, for that, this is how I'm signing off! 

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