
Tuesday 27 June 2017

Stories I Want to Reread (A #re3 Special)

Not sure why I thought this post was a good idea, but because of the darkness that has happened in the world the past few months, I've been having this need to return to stories that I love and make me escape. Maybe this is a me thing, but as a book blogger, this is hard to do as I have a lot of new releases to read (both physical and eProofs from NetGalley [last count, I had 45 - and I won't stop requesting! I need to do a NetGalley Reading Month over the summer!]). But I want to reread some stories and I decided to write a blog post about some of the stories I want to try and reread over the next 18 months.

Now, I am fully aware that I always do this and I always fail. I know this. But I thought "Why not? I have good-ish tastes and good reasons. Life is dark at the moment, let's fun it up!" So, that is what I am going to do! Now, the photo I used for this has a good chuck of the books I want to reread but am going to only talk about a few of these and others that are either on my Kindle or I don't own. Will probably only list 5/6 and you'll probably sense a theme with them all (and the books on the  so... yeah... Shall we begin?

ARTEMIS FOWL by Eoin Colfer
Ok, I only read the first 3 of these when the series came out, but I have this itch to reread just the first and the second. Not sure why this sudden "I wanna reread these" come from. I'm suspect it was when I was reading Anthony Horowitz's Never Say Die, the latest Alex Rider book (for some weird reason, my brain links these two series together...), but I now own the first two books (with those awful covers!), am very excited to read these and return to that world!

ALEX RIDER by Anthony Horowitz
This is because I read Never Say Die. Pure and simple. But with reading this, am not entirely certain what I should read in this series. I only read the first 6 books (from Stormbreaker to Ark Angel), and while I want to go back and reread Point Blank (my fave out of the series), I have an itch to go and read a story in the series I haven't read, Scorpia Rising, as it has events that affect Never Say Die... We'll see what I decide if/when I get round to returning to this world...

HARRY POTTER by J.K. Rowling
Of course JK is going to be mentioned. Whenever I feel low, I always reread Harry Potter. Due to my series reread a few years back (the first time I reread the whole series in a course of a year! HOW HAVE I NEVER DONE THAT BEFORE?!), I think I kinda want to reread Goblet of Fire. I fear this might have became my favourite book in the series (ARGH!!!), but I have an urge to reread Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. HEAR ME OUT! Yes, when I first read this, I strongly disliked it and had strong opinions over whether this was queer-baiting, but I have seen the play in London and I want to know if my opinions have stayed the same since seeing the play. I loved seeing the play, but I still have strong views on reading this rehearsal script...

I read this YEARS ago when I first entered the genre of crime in my late teens. I remember really liking this at the time - it was crime but it wasn't as heavy or gory compared to other crimes at the time that I enjoyed - so when I saw this on NetGalley a few months back, I couldn't resist. And after rereading the first Precious Ramotswe story (The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency), I feel ready to return to Alexander's writing.

THE TWILIGHT SAGA by Stephenie Meyer
Yes, I know. I KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO SAY. "You should reread The Host. Or you should read The Chemist - you do own that and it's on you TBR". BUT, sometimes, returning to Folks is the only opinion. And New Moon calls to me - yes, I know most of you don't like New Moon, but I do. I enjoy the fact that Edward isn't there (a thing the fandom really dislikes!). Sometimes, reread a book you like and everyone doesn't is a new change from the norm.

SOULLESS by Gail Carriger
I completely forgot I read this until a few hours before I came up with this blogpost. I was listening to a podcast, Breaking the Glass Slipper, and Gail Carriger was on, chatting about her writing and, once I started, I went "I READ YOU!" and I instantly remembered how much I loved reading Soulless. It was a story where I smiled all the way through. So much so, I bought the second book in this series, Changeless on my kindle and have never read. And now it's been so long, that if I want to return to this world, I need to reread Soulless and then, hopefully, read Changeless very soon after finishing it. But yes, this was just a fun, happy read. Perfect for rereading to escape.

And that's it. I could go on and on and on and on and...

Ok, I'll stop. Maybe in a few months times, I will do an update on my rereading or do another post on what other books I want to reread. But yes, I shall be trying - TRYING being the word here - to include some more rereads... You have been warned.

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