
Friday 16 June 2017

The TBR Tag

After discovering this on YouTube, I thought it would be fun to try this out. I mean, my TBR in both physical and ebook is a little out of hand and I think it will be a good way to show you what I have and that I am trying (!) to get it in some control. 

Before I do, the tag was originally created by A Perfection Called Books (you can check the post out here!). Now with that out of the way, let me try and answer these! 

How do you keep track of your TBR pile? 
My TBR is all over the place. My physical TBR is on shelves by my front door so I see them all the time. My kindle... not so much. So, most, if not all the time, I check my Goodreads. I have to check and update this the most often as, if not, it gets out of control and out of date very quickly.

Is you TBR pile mostly print or ebook?
I have no idea whatsoever. I got a feeling I have more ebooks on my TBR, but that's because I see my physical books way more than check my kindle. I need to get into the habit of checking my kindle more often, because of my NetGalley TBR is getting a little out of hand and I need to get them under control (I might be doing a NetGalley Month or a Tag idea I saw on YouTube which might help me see if I want to read them or not)...

How do you determine which book from your TBR to read next?
Mood. I'm always a mood reader. Last month, I have been doing some polls on Twitter (which ended halfway through the month with me crashing into a mini-reading slump!) and while they do work, this doesn't always work. So I go with what catches my eye and my mood. Whether it's a new story or a reread.

A book that has been on your TBR list the longest. 
I had a quick look on my Goodreads. Apparently, it's an ebook called Intrinsical by Lani Woodland. I believe it has elements of a ghost story but after that, I know second to nothing about this book. But I bought this back in 2011, I'm not sure if I will read this or the sequel (which I believe I do have on my kindle).

A book you recently added to your TBR.
Had to change this several times as this post has taken me a lot longer to write than I thought. I want to get this as right as I could. I recently won a proof of The Snow Angel by Lauren St John, so was going to say that but actually, a few days ago, I got a copy of Freshers by Tom Ellen and Lucy Ivison. Not read Lobsters by them before so this is going to be fun!

A book on your TBR strictly because of its beautiful cover.
Oh, SO MANY BOOKS! Am trying to think of books that I went out and bought rather than asked for via the publishers. I really want to say The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley. While I do like the sounds of what I heard, it was the cover that swung me into buying a copy.

A Book of your TBR That You Never Plan on Reading
I do regular book culls (my other half tells me off if I don't do them regularly) so I don't often have books on my TBR that I don't plan on reading. I do have a copy of Beauty and the Beast which is illustrated by Mina Lima, which is so pretty that I don't want to touch/ruin! But I am in two minds over The Fire Sermon by Francesca Haig lately...

An Unpublished Book on your TBR That You're Excited For
At the current moment in time, am going to say A Shiver of Snow and Sky by Lucy Lueddecke. It sounds deliciously cold, perfect for a winter read!

A Book On Your TBR That Basically Everyone's Read But You
The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. Everyone has read this series and I haven't. It seems to be that series that everyone loves, even though they warn you that the first 100 or so pages of The Raven Boys is a bit of a slog...

A Book On Your TBR That Everyone Recommends To You
I want to say a book that I used in the next question (but I won't). And I don't want to use a physical book as an answer. Am going to say Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman. And To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Whenever I tell people I haven't read these, they look at me in complete horror. I am every plan to try and read at least one of these this year, but with how the world is at the moment, I might not due to me wanting to read and share more fun, escape-type reads. But I do want to read these...

A Book On Your TBR That You're Dying to Read
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. I am DESPERATE to read this. Have been since I first heard of it, but now I have a copy (had ARC since just before Christmas), am terrified that it wouldn't live up to my UNNATURALLY HUGE expectations. This book has to be flawless because of how my brain has built this up, and I am really afraid that it might not live up to it. But everyone who has read it has told me not to worry so I might try and read this sooner or later... maybe once I can lower my expectations...

How Many Books Are On Your Goodreads TBR List?
I shudder to think. Can I just forego this question? Last time I checked, it was around 230ish (both physical, eBook and audiobook). A bit much, so might have to do a book cull soon (my local charity shops and library are going to hate me!)...

1 comment:

  1. I think I need to do a TBR blog, except my list is literally a stack of books I've been given over the years and haven't read because I didn't like the cover... I really want to read 'The Hate U Give', I think if I make headway with the Giant Pile of Books I'll get it from the library... I've banned myself from buying anything knew unless I've read it already or already know the author.

    Also, I am one of those people who always recommends 'The Raven Cycle' and I didn't find the first 100 pages difficult at all. There are a lot of threads and it's a really weird series though. And 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is one of the few classics I've read that actually earns that tag... I haven't read 'Noughts and Crosses'. I have been meaning to since I was 12. I am heading for 22. Ahem.
