
Wednesday 23 August 2017

Down The TBR Rabbit Hole

I found this randomly at the weekend on a book blog I have never read before and I loved the idea so much, I had to "borrow" it. The blog I saw this on was A Cascade of Books and the original idea came from another book blog I have never read called Lost In A Story.

And I call myself a book blogger and I fail at keeping up with the young, cool, hip, new book bloggers. I am basically this gif:

Getting away from the point! Anyway, this blog meme idea is basically go to your Goodreads TBR shelf, put it in ascending order (so oldest titles first), take the first 5/10/whatever number you fancy, read the synopsis and decide whether you want to keep them or let it go?

Oh, come on! How could I not put this here?! 

Now, I checked my list and, out of the five am going to talk about, four live on my kindle and one is a physical book. So this is going to be interesting/terrifying for my kindle. Let's get this over and done with...

INTRINSICAL by Lani Woodland
Hmm... This is all I can say while reading this. Hmm. It's not a bad thing - I don't read stories about ghosts that often so the fact I liked this enough to buy back in late 2010 (2010! Jeez...) intrigues me. But I can't help feeling I have outgrown this... 

Verdict: Delete from Kindle

THE PLEDGE by Kimberly Derting
I love Kimberly Derting's Body Finder series so I remember why I bought this and how I went to a UK event where she was at and got my copy signed. I know this and it's still unread and angry at me. 

The sypnosis, while intriguing (the class system is separated by the language they speak), feels very dystopian. Not sure I'm on board with that, but there is a fantasy edge to it that I like. In two minds over this one. 

Verdict: Keep (as copy is signed and on promise that, if not read in next 12 months, is gone)

KILLING CUPID by Louise Voss and Mark Edwards
I feel like I have read the whole story within the synopsis. I don't feel like I need to read this now. But even if toned it back, I'm not sure about it. It sounds like it would be a great psychological element to it - very Ruth Rendell. But it changes halfway through and throws that dark psychological element out of the window and makes the plot feel a little ridiculous. 

Plus, I have self-published edition so that cover - oh hell, THAT COVER!!! LOOK AT IT!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING WHEN I BOUGHT THIS?!

Verdict: Delete from Kindle

CLARITY by Kim Harrington
I see why I bought this. It has vibes of The Body Finder. A murder mystery with elements of the supernatural. This should be something I'm all over. And yet... And yet I feel like I've outgrown this. I'm not the same reader I was back when I bought this. This just doesn't grab me. 

Verdict: Delete from Kindle

WITCH CHILD by Celia Rees
Am surprised that I haven't read this yet. While it doesn't feel like something I would normally read, I can't help but go "Why haven't I read this yet?". Am shocked at my reaction. 

Verdict: Keep 

And because am having fun doing this (no idea why!), let's do one/two more, shall we?

POISON STUDY by Maria V Snyder
I have a funny feeling I bought this due to hype and maybe some peer pressure. Not that it's a bad thing - I think I would prefer to read this now rather than back then with the hype buzzing round. It feels like a strong fantasy that I would devour in one sitting, but it has vibes of one or two books I have read in the past that I didn't warm to. 

Verdict: Keep 

BLOODLINES by Richelle Mead
Oh, that Twilight phrase! I see why I bought this but, maybe because of the mood I am in at the moment but I don't know if I will ever read this series or the Vampire Academy series before it. I think I might like it once I start but I don't know if I want to go into this world... 

Verdict: Delete from Kindle

Well, that was weirdly fun! I should do this more often! At least I can go back over the books on my Goodreads TBR shelves/Kindle/physical TBR shelves and do a little of a cull. I need to make some space due to future plans and to ease my guilt of reading slowly and never getting round to reading... 


  1. Oh this is such a fun post. I'd say definitely go through your TBR and be as ruthless as you can be. I cull my shelves (physical ones anyway) every 6 weeks or so and it feels great.

    1. I need to be more ruthless with book culls - and I have plans that, by the end of this year, I'm planning to cull over half of my physical TBR.

      But once I start doing a book cull, I feel a little better and more organised with my reads... then that goes flying out of the window a few days later...
