
Tuesday 23 January 2018

Kindle Samplers - New Year Edition

I got a new Kindle for Christmas, so I went through my kindle and did a bit of a cull of eProofs and eBooks I bought. I always went through my Kindle Samples that I downloaded onto my phone and got rid of them all. I wanted to start the new year with a fresh slate and wanting to try new, fun stories!

Not sure if that's a wise thing as I keep looking things up and going "That looks like fun!" and I wanted to show you some titles that I downloaded the samplers for. Not all, but I wanted to show you guys that I am going to try new things this year... So, let's get started!

There's no reason for me wanting to read this. I just really want to read Carrie Fisher - when she was alive, I loved watched her on TV and in interviews. She was just a badass and she was funny. And I keep going "I want to read her. I really want to read her, but the timing never right". It's me - I'm worried that if I read one of her books, I will fall out of love with her. I doubt it, but it's there... But am going to try this...

[EDIT: Since writing this, I actually went out and got it on Kindle so keep eyes peeled for a write-up about this in the future (no idea when as have loads to read but soon! I want to attempt to read this before May! Or the DVD/Blu-Ray release of The Last Judi)]

THE EYE OF THE WORLD by Robert Jordan
I'm in the mood to read fantasy this year. Adult fantasy, to be correct. I feel that this is the right thing for my reading as I want to read fun. And I have the most fun reading fantasy. And I have started wondering if I should read Lord of the Rings. Mostly everyone I have mentioned this to has gone "DON'T DO IT TO YOURSELVES!" and have said "Have you considered Wheel of Time series, starting with The Eye of the World?". I have heard of the series title but I know NOTHING about this series - just that they are LONG! But if I feel brave... I might read this sampler and see if I can sink my teeth into this. If I like, I will try and read this and take it from there...

[Edit: Since writing this, I bought this on my Kindle. I know! But it was a Kindle Daily Sale offer for 99p so I couldn't refuse. Plus, with me wanting to read more widely within adult fantasy, this felt like a good move to make! Not sure when I will read this but once I've figured that out, will let you all know. But it won't be for a while as I want to read Priestess of the White by Trudi Caravan and The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin before I attempt this!]

I like crime novels. It's not a genre I am well read in the genre of crime/thriller but when I do sit down and read it, I enjoy myself. I keep hearing this name from one or two authors I like that say Josephine Tey is just as good (if not, better) than Agatha Christie. And this is one of her most interesting mystery stories, following a modern policeman who has injured himself and, out of boredom, decides to investigate the alleged crimes against King Richard III. Crime meets history - this sounds outside of my comfort zone but in a good way...

GOOD OMENS by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman & SOUL MUSIC by Terry Pratchett
Over the Christmas period, I was given Terry Pratchett's Hogfather and I enjoyed myself hugely while reading this. So much so, I bought Witches Aboard and eyeing a few other of Terry Pratchett titles. But with the BBC and Amazon Studios co-producting a Good Omens adaption, I want to see what the fuss about this is about.

As for Soul Music... well, I love Death in Discworld and as this is another story in the Discworld series that has Death as a main character, am going to see if I would enjoy this...

You can blame Sophie of So Many Books, So Little Time & The Copper Boom for putting this on my radar. She instagram the book (along with a few other books) and, after chatting and reading the blurb, I am intrigued over this. I must admit now that I am not a big fan of essays but, like I said, I am intrigued to see if I can sink my teeth into this...

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