
Saturday 12 May 2018

I Was Born For This Blog Tour Music Alert!

As you guys know, I love listening to music while I read. Sometimes, that perfect song comes along that just click with the book in one form or other: the story, the characters (or one in particular). 

So, when I was asked if I wanted to be involved in the I Was Born For This blog tour, I jumped at the chance. Books and music! And I am a little obsessed with Alice's Heartstopper (if you haven't read it, YOU MUST). I mean, HOW COULD I REFUSE?! 

I don't want to say too much about I Was Born for This as I am playing to read this book sometime this month and I want to go in as blind as I can, but it has music, fandom, friendship and facing up to reality. 

And, to celebrate this book release, there's a blog tour where Alice picks a song that has a connection to I Was Born to This and we bloggers have to pick a song that links to reading, fandom or this book. I've gone with fandom and reading (why not). So, Alice's song choice is first and mine second... 

Before I throw you over to Alice, I wanna thank Alice for doing this and letting us snoop into her music (she's even created a Spotify playlist so, if you just can't wait, CHECK THIS OUT!!!) and Nina for organising this tour! It's been a blast to follow and discover new music and some old music I forgotten about. Now, onto the good stuff!

BLISS by Muse
This song is on my I Was Born For This playlist in dedication to one of my favourite characters in the book - Bliss Lai. I won't give too much of her role in the book, because it's sort of a spoiler, but she was such an incredibly fun character to write. She's loud, confident, not particularly into The Ark's music (All Time Low is her fave), and she likes to be the master of her own fate. This song - an upbeat rock track - suits her perfectly

THE WALK by Imogen Heap
When I was asked to be involved in this tour, this was the first song that jumped into my head. I discovered this the same time I discover the Mortal Instruments trilogy (yes, when it was just a trilogy) so just prior the release of City of Glass. While I hammered these books back-to-back, I discovered and constantly put Imogen Heap on repeat, but this track most of it. It connected the books so perfectly and it connected to me so perfectly at that time of my life. While my obsession and involvement in the Shadowhunter fandom has lessen somewhat, my love for this song hasn't. It's one of my favourite Imogen Heap songs and whenever I read a book that features music, this song is always the first to play in my head and on my iPod.

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