
Tuesday 11 September 2018

5 Physical Books I Want To Reread If I Had Time

I felt a bit flat on Sunday. I wanted to write a blog post about something - possible 2019 plans, my thoughts of Waterstones buying Foyles, a few other bits and pieces - but nothing really settled with me.

So when I mentioned this on Twitter, wondering if I should go back to my reading of Time's Convert by Deborah Harkness, Gavin from @gavreads said the following:

This made me go "OOOH!". One of the downsides to being a book blogger is we have a huge TBR and it's rare to go back and reread books unless we can make time or audiobook it. But this idea intrigued me as I went "Ok, what 5 would I reread if I had the time...? And no, I can't just say Harry Potter! That's cheating and you always try and find time to reread Potter so behave." And when I started thinking of this post, the list came quite fast. But when I looked at my bookshelves, I kept going "Oh, you! And you! And [gasp] I forgot about you!!!". And when I started writing this, I went "Wait, this list is basically all the physical books I own/want to reread. Not any eBooks" so that post is going to be written in the next week so keep eyes peeled... 

So, deep breaths! We are going in...

Ha! I bet you didn't see this coming, did you? I remember reading the first three books in the Artemis Fowl series years ago when they first came out, and Arctic Incident always had a soft spot in my heart out of the three. I decided earlier this year for one reason or another (I think Disney announced they were making a movie) made me go "Ok, I can't put this off any longer. If I'm going to reread these books, now is the time." I reread the first Artemis Fowl this year and had such a blast doing it, that I'm surprised that I haven't jumped straight into Arctic but me thinks I might try and reread this before the year is out. I mean, Arctic, snow, Christmas. Perfect, right? 

History lesson time! Back before I started blogging, I actually audiobooked this whole trilogy and loved it. Shame that all three audiobooks were abridged. Ah... once I realised this (after I had finished the series), I always wanted to go back and read this or audiobook this properly, unabridged and everything. But have been a bit chicken till recently due to its size and the issues it take. But recently (ok, since the beginning of the year), I've been feeling more confident in reading this. I feel ready to re-enter this world. 

LIRAEL by Garth Nix
This is the second book in one of my favourite fantasy series ever - The Old Kingdom by Garth Nix. And normally when I'm in the mood for a reread (or in a reading slump/dark place), barring Harry Potter, I usually go towards this series - but mainly the first book in the series, Sabriel. I adore Sabriel, but I do feel I don't give the rest of the series the love and attention it deserves. And recently, I have been looking at the series and going "I really should reread Lirael..." But that would mean reading the third book in the series, Abhorsen, as these two books tackle the one storyline. But after reading Goldenhand when it first came out when I was in New York (was it nearly 2 years ago?!) and remembering how madly I adore this world and the characters, I want to go back. I'm ready to go back! But time... I need a time turner... 

Am surprised when this title popped into my head. I quite liked the trilogy and I did finish the whole trilogy last year. So, with some/most of the details still fresh in my brain, why do I want to reread the first book in the trilogy? For the main reason that I audiobooked Queen of the Tearling but I physically read the second and third, and am curious to see what my response is to actually reading the book instead of listening to someone reading it to me... 

THE SUBTLE KNIFE by Philip Pullman
I love His Dark Materials trilogy. I still haven't read La Belle Sauvage (might have to audiobook it as am a little scared of it now), but I love the world and the idea of daemons. And when I do find time to reread the trilogy, it's usually Northern Lights I reread and I have a good memory over what happens in The Amber Spyglass so I don't feel the impulse to reread that. But if you turn to me and go "Ok, what happened in Subtle Knife?", I would have a hard time explaining. I know it's where we met Will and Mary and I remember there's a chapter called Bloodmoss, but barring that, I remember very little. I think this book gets very overlooked and I would like to reread this and go "This book is awesome!"

NIGHTSHADE by Andrea Cremer 
Ok, I'm cheating! This is sixth, I know and yes, this is a curveball of a choice. But I have real reason to decide and add this on, as you are going to find out...This was the first Advance Reader Copy of a book I ever got at my first ever Blogger Event so it has a place in my heart. I remember devouring this book about werewolves and loving the series. I got a little obsessed with it, if I remember myself correctly. I now have time on my side and I realise that, maybe, I let this excitement (My first ARC! My first Blogger Event!) cloud my judgement and I want to reread this to see if it lives up to my memory's version of the book... I doubt it, but you never know. 

Ok, so there are my 5 (shhh about Nightshade) physical books I would like to reread if I have time to in the future. There were so many I wanted to say but will give honoured mentions - Mirror Dreams by Catherine Webb, Lord Loss by Darren Shan (though I should reread and complete the Saga of Darre Shan - I stopped after the fifth book!), The Host by Stephenie Meyer, Sir Thursday by Garth Nix (or the whole Keys to the Kingdom series) and a bunch of others. But am going to stop as I might do another post of these in the near future... 

Like I said earlier, I will try and write about the 5/6 eBooks I would like to reread again (I know one title straight away and I don't think it'll need any reason!), but am curious what 5 books you would like to reread if you could find time... Leave your 5 in the comments and hopefully, you guys might make me discover a book I've not heard of before and am intrigued over... 

1 comment:

  1. I love this :)
    I've *just* posted about something very similar last Friday haha, the five books I want to reread in Autumn. I'm a huge rereader so I do it a lot.
    I remember the Age of the Five trilogy being my least favourite of Trudi Canavan's books, but I think that's because it's not set in the Kyralia universe.
    Cora |
