
Monday 25 February 2019

Burn The Witches

Another day, another blog tour. And this one is about witches! And as you know, I love a good witch story! And with this story told from the woman behind the smash Twitter of @EverydaySexism, Laura Bates, I can sense this is going to be one interesting read.

The Burning follows Anna, who is starting over. New school, new town, new surname, and all her social media profiles erased and deleted. No way to connect her from "the accident". Till the whispers and rumours start. As they begin to swirl, Anna finds herself drawn the Maggie, a girl accused of witchcraft centuries ago... and who's life has terrifying parallels with Anna's...

I am thrilled that Laura found time to write down a list of Laura's favourite witch stories and they are an interesting and exciting mix! I can't wait to share this list with you all!

Before I hand over to Laura's top 5 list, I just want to thank Laura for finding the time to write this guest post. I, also, want to thank Anna at Simon and Schuster for asking if I wanted to be involved in this tour!

Now, if you want more info about The Burning, why not check out Simon and Schuster website. Plus, if you want to say hi to Laura or find out more about The Burning or Everyday Sexism, check Laura out on Instagram or via Twitter at @EverydaySexism or at

Witch Child by Celia Rees
One of my all-time favourites, I read this book over and over again as a teenager, swept away by the excitement, strangeness and mystery of the story and gripped by its urgency and feeling of peril. 

Sorceress by Celia Rees
Once Witch Child has drawn you into Mary’s story, Sorceress will sweep you deeper still, taking you on a journey that crosses oceans and centuries, exploring ideas of love and friendship, sexism and betrayal, and what it means for women to bear witness to one another’s lives and suffering, sometimes centuries later. 

The Crucible by Arthur Miller
One of the most visceral and gripping plays I have ever read, Miller dives into the heart of the hysteria and terror that marked the Salem witch trials, revealing the strange and poisonous position occupied by young women who are simultaneously given great power in a society and yet denied the independence and real influence they crave. 

The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert 
This book is so atmospheric it sucks you in from the first page and threatens not to let you go. Alluring and alarming, Alice’s world is a dark place of mystery and adventure, where nothing is quite what it seems. This isn’t just a story about magic and luck, but about women, and the relationships between three generations of the same family. 

Feminist Folk Tales from Around the World by Ethel Johnston Phelps 
These four volumes of folk tales from different countries have all the ogres, giants, thieves and maidens that fairy tale fans could desire, but they also just happen to feature a kick-ass cast of brilliant feminist heroines to bring the stories home: quite different from the outdated tradition of passive, pretty princesses waiting to be rescued by a handsome prince. One for girls who are more interested in rescuing themselves!

The Burning by Laura Bates is out now (Simon & Schuster, £7.99) 

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