
Tuesday 5 November 2019

Believathon & NaNoWriMo 2019

Ok, so my plans for November 2019 have changed hugely from what I decided a few months ago when I was trying to get myself all organised for Christmas. 

So, the plan was to make November my NetGalley month - NetGalley November. NetGalley, for those of you not sure on the term, is a site publishers use for reviewers, booksellers, bloggers and librarians can read digital proofs/Advance Reader Copies (ARCs, if you want the shorthand) before or at release of the book. Now, I have used this site for years and my TBR (To Be Read) on it is a little out of control. I did a cull and sort out so it isn't as bad as it once used to be. But it is still out of hand. So, I did plan to do a month and tackle the heck out of it. 

Then, the announcement of Believathon came along... 

I am not going to tell you want it is as the host, booktuber Gavin will explain. But, if you want me to explain it, it's a month of reading children's/middle grade books. And as someone who reads Young Adult and is slowly branching into Adult, this sounded like fun! 

So, my reading plans have changed for November. I did read something, but it doesn't fit the themed reading month so I decided to put the review up on my Goodreads, if you want to read that! So, my month of blogging is a bare for next week or so, as I like to be ahead of self and I didn't get the chance to do so. 

And, at the same time of doing that, I randomly decided that I'm going to attempt to do NaNoWriMo this year. NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is a themed month to try and write a novel. Now, it's not about being neat, it's about hitting the word count target. Now, I misremembered the number and thought it was 30,000. It's not. It's 50,000. [insert nervous laughter here]

Now, I have no plans to writing or publishing a novel (I don't think I have the thick skin to become a published author) but in my youth, I used to write stories all the time for the sheer joy of it. So, I thought now would be a good time to see if I can get back into writing. I don't plan to hit the target of 50,000. I would like to, if I can, try and hit 15,000 by the end of the month. I want to try and get back into the pattern of writing a little every day, if not on computer, then by hand. 

To help, I've decide to create a pinterest board to help inspire and hint at what I'm writing...

So, excuse me if this month's blogging goes a little by the wayside. But I might have bitten off more than I can chew. Plus, with Christmas and New Year next month (so I'll be taking two to three weeks off to celebrate), the rest of 2019 might be a bit... er... weird. Bear with. Everything will be under control and normal blogging service will resume next month or in 2020! 

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