
Thursday 28 May 2020

If I Made a TV Soundtrack for... HIDEOUS BEAUTY

It's been a while since I've done a music-themed post linked to a book I've read or am desperate to be turned into a TV show/movie. But when I read Hideous Beauty by William Hussey earlier this year (review for that is here, in case you're curious), I had a strong reaction to it. I thought it would make a good UK TV version of 13 Reasons Why (I can see this on Netflix or BBC iPlayer/BBC Three) and, for the first time in a very long time, I started listening to music and going "Oooh, this fits" and "That song would be perfect for this moment here". 

Which makes a weirdly mixed list of music. And, as today is Hideous Beauty's bookish birthday, I thought I would pick some for the music songs that I would use if I was in charge of the music playlist if this was turned into a TV series.

No, I'm not going to put spoilers in my reasons and I'm not going to put all songs on my list down (five, maybe? If there are a few songs I want to have an Honourable Mention, I will put at the bottom of the post. So, get your headphones and have a listen.
This is a bit of a no-brainer. Throughout the book, George Ezra is a huge part of Dylan's and Ellis's relationship and as the book is split very much into Before and After, I would put George's music very much Before. Very hopeful, romantic, upbeat, summery, positive. And we will need something positive, both plot-wise and music-wise. 

If you've read the book (or the blurb for the book), you understand why I put this song in this list. There's something haunting and quite simple about the song and I think, while I would perfect a more acoustic version, this song would be a perfect fit to touch on the issue of grief.

I haven't listen to this song in YEARS and, for some unknown reason, this was the very first song that jumped to mind when I was reading Hideous Beauty. I can't explain why this jumped to my mind but I went "YES!" as soon as my brain made this jump. I have a vague idea where this would fit, but I'll let you figure it out...

OK, truth time. I have no real reason why I connected this song to Hideous Beauty. But during one of my music shuffles, this song popped up and something clicked with these two working together.

Last song and, of course, it's a Grey's Anatomy song. Now, I do love the song choices on Grey's for certain scenes and moments. And this used at the end of Season Three added an extra emotional punch to the scenes used. I feel this would be the same with Hideous Beauty, plus this is a beautiful song and walks a thin line of grief and hopefulness, and would fit very nicely near the end of the series, used as an emotional turning point. 

Mini Honourable Mentions time: KISS MY FEET by Laura Mvula, THE LAST DAY ON EARTH by Kate Miller-Heidke, SILHOUETTES by Of Monsters and Men, IN MY VEINS by Andrew Belle feat Erin McCarley, NEVER LET YOU DOWN by Woodkid feat Lykke Li, DON'T FORGET ME by Way Out West and Goldfrapp's TALES OF US (leaning towards ANNABEL and THEA). 

And now, I'm curious. Have you read the book? If so, what songs did you listen to while reading or think will work if this was adapted? Leave a comment as am always on the hunt for new music to listen to! 

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