
Tuesday 1 September 2020

September 2020 TBR

I don’t do Monthly TBRs. I never stick to them. I am very much a mood reader, as you guys can probably tell from how I pinball around genres. But, I want to try this out for a month or two, see if it keeps me on track on one or two books. 

Now, before I go further, I want to say that I am not going to list EVERY book/audiobook I want to read/listen to this month. That will defeat everything. I want to say one or two titles, maybe three at a push. This is because I am a little of a slow reader, normal life is slowly returning (define “normal life” lately) so I will have to adapt my reading to that, I have a ton of preorders coming out this month and I’m very much a mood reader so I want to be flexible! Plus, it’s nice to surprise you guys with a curveball once in a while… 

But, there are a few titles I do want to try and read/audiobook this month for one reason or another. So, am going to reference these now and, hopefully, will stick to my reading plan.

I can’t go any further without mentioning To Sleep In A Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini. Quick backstory time. I preordered the audiobook version of this at the beginning of the year, but I was very kindly sent a limited edition Advance Reader Copy of this, and I planned to read this and Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer back-to-back last month. However, Midnight Sun (which I thought I would fly through) is taking longer than I thought so this is on backburner. I suspect that I will be starting to read this again at the end of the month so I might go quiet for a while. You have been warned. 

But the first book I want to mention on here is The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien. I know, I’ve never read Lord of the Rings and while I have no need to, I put this on my Amazon Wishlist MONTHS ago as I kept going “I do want to read Tolkien. Or, at least, attempt to.” I kept getting pulled to it. And someone very kindly gifted it to me (thank you!). But the main reason I want to read it (or attempt to) is because two booktubers I love are doing a readalong to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings - #TolkienALong. And seeing as I missed another readalong of The Bone Season by Samatha Shannon, I REALLY want to do this one, just to say I have read the Hobbit and see everyone’s reactions to it. I will put announcement videos from both booktubers down below! 

Another title I want to try and read this month is The Hungry Ghost by H.S Norup. I don’t know much about this book. I got a copy of it via NetGalley and I want to try and read it this month as I really like the cover and, because of cover, I might be involved in a possible blog tour for this book next month so, for once, I want to be ahead of the game! It’s rare, I know, but I want to try! And because I might be involved in tour, I don’t really want to say much about it, but it’s a middle-grade and set in Singapore at the time of the Hungry Ghost Festival. 

Third and final book - ok, audiobook - I would like to read/listen to this month is Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. In a few days times, you will read my write-up of my reread/listen of Illuminae and because of this, I bought audiobooks 2 and 3 in the trilogy and hope to audio them by end of the year! Gemina follows two new characters, Hanna and Nik, two teens so far removed from each other on the Heimdall space stations, little realising that Kady and the space ship, Hypatia, is coming towards Heimdall, carrying news of the Kerenza invasion (from Illumanae)… 

That’s all I am going to admit here and now. I do have a ton more books/audiobooks I want to read this month, but like I said, I want this to be causal and relaxed so I have room to be a mood reader. Plus, if doing this the next few months works, I might do a small TBR Jar next year of 12 titles. But it all depends on how this works out so, we shall see… 

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