
Saturday 26 February 2022

Changing Reading Theme Month

I'm changing my reading plans for the month of March. 

Originally, I had an idea to do an "unofficial" reading theme month and it would be linked to crime and thrillers, a genre I enjoy reading hugely but I always tend to stay in the cosy/easy-to-read thrillers. This was just before Valentine's Day and I got quite excited over this idea. I can finally get my rear in gear and read this crime books that have been sitting on my TBR or on my "Please Reread Me!" stack.

And then, the world happened. 

Recent events with Ukraine and Russia suddenly made me go "Oh, sticking to this might be in bad taste. Plus, I do really want to focus on this genre when this is happening?". And so, am changing my reading plotting. I will stick to crime, but I'm not going hard into the genre that I'm was considering. I want my blog and the books I can on here to be an escape. To push books that will help you, dear reader, escape from your world and life for a few moments. 

I even had a few crime/thriller books on my radar. I have audiobooked two already and am currently reading the third. The two other I'm now gonna push back (I might still try and read/audio them this month. You never know with me!)

I, also, had a maybe-idea for a short, two-week reading theme just after my Easter blog break. I'm thinking something along the lines of "Blast from the Past" but I have no idea what this means... 

But I feel that, with the world as it is, maybe I should be kinder and try and push more hopeful reads to you. I keep saying you, I mean me. Maybe I should push happier reads onto me. I know that my next reading picks might not be your cup of tea, but I wanna throw some fun books and audio my way. I do want to do a crime/thriller month so might keep that on the back burner for now... 

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