
Thursday 16 June 2022

Reading Slump

I wrote this over the Bank Holiday weekend, but I decided to not to post it. Not then, but I feel more ok posting it now and happier to talk. 

If you've followed me on my socials - mainly Twitter or Goodreads - you might have noticed that I didn't read much over the course of May. I suffered/am suffering (I'm slowly crawling out of it) a HUGE reading slump in May. Things happened and, because of that, it affected my reading and my enjoyment. 

Yes, I know I had a blog break over the Easter break due to me feeling a little burnout with reading and blogging, but this slump is annoying as heck as I want to read. BADLY! This is affecting both my reading and my audiobooking so feeling very meh of late with stories (though I listen to podcasts of people reading, such as Goblet of Wine). Same with blogging and general life stuff. 

However, life has just... I don't really known how to describe it. Let's say the last few years have been hard with COVID and other issues. Yeah, shall we say that and move on? 

So, just giving you a tiny heads-up that reading and blogging over the next few months might be a little more hit and miss than normal (for example, I was trying to write this while podcast-listening to random episode of Her Dark Materials & Unbitten - oh, I'm thinking of rereading a book within His Dark Materials and the Twilight Saga. Not Twilight or Northern Lights, as I have reread them quite often, but am leaning towards New Moon [strangely, a fave of mine in the series] or The Amber Spyglass. Thoughts? - and I couldn't write this post and listen to podcast. Believe me, random lines would have popped up in this post). I need to ease self back into this and find the joy again - which might mean 

Hopefully, will be back to my reading self in a few weeks so stay with me! If not, I will be listening to random podcasts and TV shows so that should be fun! 

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