
Sunday 15 January 2023

2023 Reading Plans

HAPPY NEW YEAR! And yes, I am back from my little Christmas break (actually, on writing this on my last day of holidays before am back in the office, which I am feeling a little nervous about), but I wanted to ease self back into blogging with a little plan over my reading (aka what you're going to see on my socials and on here). 

Now, I'm not going to review EVERYTHING I read on here. I think that's lead to a huge burnout over the past few years and I want to get back into enjoying blogging and reading so, if I do go off the radar for a while, you know why. I will write a small review on Goodreads and on Twitter - and I might try to look into using Instagram and consider using other socials (such as TikTok, though that looks scary to use and I am sure that, if I do use that, I will watch/lurk). 

But my main reading plans is to get my To Be Read piles under control. All of them - bought, gifted from friends and family and then gifted by publisher in exchange for an honest review/reaction. It's getting a little out of hand, and I am a slow reader so I want to make attack some of those through the year (on all formats - physical, ebook, audiobook, etc). 

I, also, have a vague idea of trying to read 12 books that have been on my radar to read for quite some time but, for one excuse or another, I have held off. I have 10 titles in my head already, but this is a more flexible bookish idea. I would like to try and read most of these but, if not, it won't be the end of the world as my reading tastes have changed (am more a fantasy/crime reader of late, haven't I?) and I want to rediscover my joy of reading without worrying about the blog. 

I can show you some titles that might be on my "Read 12 Titles in 2023", if you like... In no order, of course...

One of these is a reread, FYI, and I still need to make a decision on my last 2 choices. And, as you can see, all of these are are titles I have bought in one format or another and I have every intention to read them. I am a mood reader, so I will need to plan my reading carefully.

But this year, I want to rediscover my joy of reading, my leisure in the genres I adore and take little risks. Basically, I want to entertain myself and we'll see where we go from there! 

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