Sunday 1 October 2023

All Hallows Reads

My brain decided this back in August, but I wanted to make my future reading months fun. And Halloween and spookiness jumped to mind (as well as something linked to Jay’s Virtual Pub Quiz - but that idea needs more thinking over). 

I am not a summer person. The other seasons are more me, but I do like Halloween. In theory. In practice, not so much. But this year, I wanted to add some spookiness to the reading. Sorry. SpoooOOOOOOoookiness (see what I did there? Ghostly). 

But I am not much of a horror fan. I love a good creepy read, but I am not a fan of horror. Plus, there is something really creepy about the depths of evil and darkness we human beings have. So, yes, I want to spooky reads, both normal and paranormal. Join me for the next few weeks as I decide to try and creep myself out. 

Oh, you want to know what stories I have in mind? Maybe these clues will give you a clue…

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