Tuesday 16 July 2024

Audiobook Review - The Man In Black

Collection of short stories, all written by one author, can go one of two ways: really well or really bad?

But when I heard of The Man in Black and Other Stories by Elly Griffiths, I got ver excited. She's a crime author I keep saying I will try and she seemed to explode during the COVID lockdown, but I've only read one of her books - The Postscript Murders - and I had plans to do more. But life got in the way and I kept putting it off. Until Man in Black was up for preorder... 

Title and Author: The Man in Black And Other Stories by Elly Griffiths
Publisher: Quercus
Bought, Borrowed or Gifted: Audiobook Bought
Buy From (Affilate): uk.bookshop.org

In this collection of 19 short stories, Elly dips her toes into crime short stories, following a mix of characters her readers know and love (Ruth Galloway, DS Harbinder Kaur, Max Mesphisto, even a grown-up Justice Jones and Ruth Galloway's cat, Flint).

Like I said earlier, when you have a collection of short stories (regardless on it being a collection from one or multiply authors), it can go in one of two/three way: a strong and solid collection, a mixbag of good and bad stories or a collection that just highlights how the short story form isn't suitable for this author. Luckily, Elly Griffith's collection is strong and shows that Elly can write short stories and novellas. 

More people really should write short stories collections and more publishers should publish them. But that's a discussion for another day...

I think my enjoyment comes mostly as I listened to the audiobook edition and, what's surprising is this collection of short stories, in audiobook form, you have several readers (each reading three or four each) and this really helps set the tone/vibe of the story. Yes, they all lean into the crime element but to differ degrees. Some are straight-up crime, others leans more into gothic ghost story and one or two have a mystery element, but it's very gentle/non-existence. 

I will admit that I'm not the biggest fan of the title short story, as I felt a little underwhelmed but once I listened to the following story, I felt more confident. I think it's because I have never met Ruth before this collection and  I need to try Ruth Galloway (I have several on my kindle that I need to attempt. Later books in the series, but I have plans to attack them soon!). I think once I am more aware of this world and these characters, I bet I would enjoy the story more. 

Now, you'll want me to name some of my faves in this collection. I have several so let me pick a few off the top of my head: Flint's Fireside Tale jumps instantly to mind. So does What I Saw From The Sky and The Stranger by RM Holland, and yes, I did like Harbinger: A Harbinder Kaur Story and Ruth's First Chrtistmas Tree (which I think you can get for free on Amazon Kindle). I can easily point out a few more such as The Only Pebble on the Beach, Max Mephisto and the Disappearing Act and Articulation but will stop. But all were strong and, barring the one novella - The Valley of the Queens - you can read or listen to in one sitting. 

This is a solid short story collection with nods to fan favourites, or a nice place to start with Elly Griffiths. Now I need to push the eBooks on my kindle or request those library audiobooks that I keep putting off...

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