When did you start blogging?
Originally I started a tumblr in September last year. I Kinda hated it though as it seemed like tumblr was full of high school kids ripping each other to shreds so I thought I’d move over to blogger. I moved on January 29th and fell in love with blogging!
What made you start blogging?
None of my friends who I hang out with regularly used to read. Since they have finished uni last month (they were in the year below me) some have them have gotten into it more and a few of them have since taken my recomendations but when I first started not one of them read. I had finished uni and I love writing and talking about the books I read so I thought what better way to vent my frustration at certain characters, my love of some plots and my emotions linked to storys than to blog!

It was Juliet, Naked on my tumblr blog. I started off reviewing adult books becuase I had this stupid idea that YA was too young now I’m in my twenties! I loved it but since ive gone back to YA I dont think I’ll return to adult books very often!
When was the first time you realised you were a Book Blogger?
Probably around mind to late Feb this year when I was chatting away on Twitter with other book bloggers and they treated me like one of them! The community is so lovely and when I felt right speaking with everyone was when I felt like a Book Blogger!
How much of your time a week do you spend blogging?
Too much! I get told off because I tweet at work, (I just cant help not responding to the book chat!!) and twitter is something I consider to be a huge part of my blogging! I also spend at least an hour or two a night checking out other blogs and working on my own! not to mention the reading time!!
Has your taste in book genres changed since starting the blog?
As I mentioned, it has a lot. When I started I was adult contemp all the way. If it wasnt real life adulthood I wouldn’t read it, now I love YA Fantasy and Dystopian more than anything!
What book are you reading at the moment?
I actually have three books on the go which is unusual for me! I have Ash by Malinda Lo, Uncle Montague’s Tales of Terror by Chris Priestly and the Truth & Dare anthology, edited by Liz Miles, all on the go at once! I’m normally strictly a one book kinda girl but this week I decided to flirt a bit! lol

The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson made me cry so much, I don’t think I stopped crying once!! As for made me excited? The Wonderful Keris Stainton sent me her copy of Die For Me by Amy Plum because she knew I wanted to read it so bad but when I opened the envelope there was an ARC of Keris’ own Jessie <3’s NYC... I swear you have never seen a person bounce as much as I did that day! (which was kinda embarrassing as I was outside the Royal Mail sorting office!!)
Have you read any book that you disliked so much you threw it across the room?
No, I dont think so... though there is a point in Harry Potter... (I’ll let you try and guess) which did make me throw it down in disgust!
What advice would you give to anyone who wants to take part or what to set up a book blog?
Be yourself, don’t be scared, browse other blogs a lot and DO NOT, whatever you do, steal features or reviews from other bloggers...
Now, to ask five fun quick-fire questions. What song are you listening to right now?
1979 by Good Charlotte
MySpace, Facebook or Twitter?
Hardback, paperbacks or eBooks?
Letters, phone, texting or emailing?
Zombies or unicorns?
Zonicorns?! :P
Fab fab fab I love this feature <3