Sunday 1 September 2019

Murder Month 2019

In possible the worst-kept secret I’ve had on The Pewter Wolf, I have decided to make this September my crime/thriller/mystery reading month - or, as I like to call it, Murder Month! 

Ok, I have done this once before, back in ye olde days of in 2016 and I always said I would read more of these types of books as I enjoy them and I didn’t want them to feel like a “guilty pleasure” read (they’re not). And I think I’ve done a goodish job reading more crime/thriller months, but two things happened that made me go “Ok, I want to do a themed month linked to the crime genre”. 

The first is Capital Crime. Capital Crime is a literary festival that is going to happen later this month in London to celebrate Crime literary. I believe this is the first festival celebrating the crime genre in London (I know Scotland has several and I know there are a few others, but this is the closest to where I live).

The second is a podcast I listen to called Death By The Books. It’s a podcast I love where the two hosts - Lianne and Kirsti - talk about “crime, thrillers and other books where people die”. And seeing as I have bought and requested from publishers several books based on this podcast, I feel like I need to get my rear in gear and read them in honour of this podcast. 

And with that, the idea of redoing a murder-reading month came to mind and I got excited to try! 

When I first thought of this idea, it was back in May, so I have been slowly getting ahead of myself with this themed month, based on the idea that I want to read far and wide within the crime/thriller genre. It might not be great reads, but I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone. Some of these books are going to be real curveballs so heads up in advance for that! 

Now, I can’t guarantee that this month is going to make interesting reading for you guys, but I hope to explore this genre a little more, try new authors (and maybe try a few I know vaguely but been too chicken to try), give one or two authors one final chance and maybe reread a few novels that I love… 

There are a few titles that I do want to try and read this month, but I can’t guarantee I will read them this month (for one reason or another). I’m going to put them below, as a taster of what I want to try and do this month, and then will leave the rest as a surprise. So come with me as we murder the month away…! 

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