Wednesday 27 June 2012

GoodRead - The Goddess Hunt

Last week, I reviewed The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter and called it a candy floss read. So, after reading this, I jumped head first into this ebook novella, The Goddess Hunt, which takes place in the middle of Goddess Test and Goddess Interrupted.

A trip to Greece sounds the perfect way to past the time for Kate while she's away from the Underworld and Henry. Expect she finds herself in the middle of a feud that has lasted for millennia. Castor and Pollux has been running away from Zeus and Hades's wrath. And the last person they should trust is Kate, the new Queen of the Underworld. But she wants to help them. But will she succeed?

Before I go any further, I want to talk about the cover. When I first saw this on Amazon, I was kinda scared of it. Doesn't she look a bit like a zombie? This isn't the model's fault as this is the same model used on both The Goddess Test and Goddess Interrupted covers, and if you look at the pictures used in the Goddess Interrupted trailer (see below), there are other pictures that they could have used. Unless they are using one of them for the cover for the third book in the series...

This is a fast read. I read it within a few hours. And this is very much a filler story between book one and book two. With fans of the first book, we read some chapters from Henry's point of view, which is very useful for me as I didn't really relate to him while reading book 1. So, while I still don't get why Kate is in love with him (I mean, seriously?! Am I the only one who thinks that Kate is suffering from Stockholm syndrome?), I felt like I understood him better and could relate to him a bit more.

But I got the feeling that this was written after book 2 as, at the end of Goddess Hunt, there was a tiny extract of Goddess Interrupted, and it wasn't mentioned. All that was mentioned was "You got us lost that one time...". And I sense that Castor and Pollux won't be referenced in the books again.

But I did like this. And I attacked the UK publishers, Mira Ink, on when the third book in the series (and the next ebook novella, The Goddess Legacy) will be out. And they told me that the third book will be out in April 2013. 2013?! That might be hard as this could be most people's replacement for their Twilight Saga addiction...


  1. You do not love Henry?? I really loved him. I need to read this. I have read the other two books.

    1. I just found him flat at times. But this helped me liked him more than before. I'm hoping Goddess Interrupted will make me like him more.

  2. I need Goddess Inheritance NOW!! OMG the end of Goddess Interrupted is PainFULL. You need to read it quickly so I can unzip my big mouth!
    I haven't read this novella yet but I do have it sat on the kindle so perhaps i'll give it an outing over the weekend as it's such a quick read. I suppose we should be grateful for the imminent release of Goddess Legacy to soften the blow of 2013!!!

    1. That's one of the reasons I'm waiting till August. I need a beach/summer later when the sport gets too much, but I have seen people's reviews (spoiler free, of course!), and even they said, "The ending!"
