Thursday 31 January 2013

GoodRead - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

I have to admit something. I adore the Disney versions (both the animation and the Tim Burton version - "The Alice?"), but I have never read Lewis Carroll's stories of them. I knew they were two stories of Alcie adventures merged together, but never read them. So, when the lovely Emma from Book Angel Booktopia sent me a copy as a surprise (I love her because she thinks of books and shares them with people), I thought "Ok, I will have to read you in the near future." But it took reading several quite dark books and me beginning to feel I might slip into a reading slump to grab this.

I think we all know the stories. In Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Alice falls down a rabbit hole, chasing the White Rabbit. Here she meets the Dodo, had tea with the Mad Hatter and the March Hare, play croquet the Queen of Hearts and met (my fave character) the Cheshire Cat. In Through The Looking Glass, Alice walks through a mirror into world that feels like a huge chess game, meets the Red and White Queens, talk to some talking flowers, was told the tale of the Jabberwock ("She kills my Jabber-baby-wocky!?") and meets Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

It's very weird to read this as an adult because, I think, if I read this as a child, I would have loved it. And a tiny part of me love it. But while I was reading it now, as an adult, all I could think was "If Lewis Carroll tried to get this publish today, he couldn't. It would near impossible to get this publish today. So, how did this become a children's classic?" That was what I was thinking. I wondered how it became a classic. I think Disney help cement it, but I might be wrong.

It was weird. And insane. And I needed that. So, this was the perfect book to have after reading dark books as it was a relief. There was no pressure. And, I watched Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland and I kept going "Oh, this was in Alice in Wonderland" or "Oh! That's why her knights are chess pieces!" or "So, that's why we have the Bandersnatch, the Jubjub Bird and the Vorpal Sword! They're mentioned in the Jabberwocky poem!" (I didn't know Lewis Carroll wrote the Jabberworky poem so this was very new information for me!)

I did have issues when I first finished the book but, since then, I have watched an Alice In Wonderland so some of my issues have gone. Bar one. And this is aimed more at the publishers than you guys so...

To my knowledge, before a book gets published, publishers have editors and proofreaders to read the book and make sure that there are no mistakes in the book. However, I found TONS of mistakes. TONS! Most of them were grammar mistakes (for example, Alice would think something and then she would speak. Expect you had no idea when the thought ended and the speaking began because there was no quotation marks at the start of Alice speaking. Or the one sentence when Alice was playing croquet and the sentence read She she went in search of her hedgehog. Sorry, but she she? Only one she is needed). Small mistakes and yet, these slipped through and they got published. If this happened once or twice, I would have let it go, but these kind of mistakes happened ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE BOOKS! And that is very annoying to a reader. Well, to this reader. I can't speak for all of you guys.

I know this happens rarely (this is the first book that this has happened since I have started blogging - if not, ever!) but it's makes reading the book harder as you're going "Is that how it's meant to be...?"

While I do like it and I now truly "get" the Alice movies, I have been bought up on the Disney movies so my love is going towards them. But, if you want to read what the movies are based on, then get your hands on a copy (maybe not this edition, if you can help it)...

Tuesday 29 January 2013

GoodRead - Not My Wolf

I saw this randomly on Amazon, saw it was free and saw it had gay werewolves. That's the main reasons why I downloaded it. I didn't know till later that this was M/M EROTICA and from the same writer who wrote What He Wants (if you didn't see my review which saw me rant and rave, and basically ordered you all NOT to buy this [which is something I never do!], here you go. Enjoy the ranty fury!)

That's right, this is an gay M/M erotica read and, after a long time, I've decided (maybe against my better judgement) to talk to you guys about it. So, if this isn't your kind of thing, BACK AWAY! Do not read!

As pack Alpha of the Rocky Mountains fenrir wolf pack, Corey has a lot on his plate. But when he has a dream that could lead him to his mate, things look up. But when he meets Devin on a double date, he's shocked to discover that Devin is his mate. Which is slightly problematic as Corey's straight. But the two can't deny that they are strongly attractive to each other and when Devin gets into trouble with a rival pack, Corey moves heaven and earth to find him...

This is a novella of around 18,000 so most of you guys would read this in an hour. Maybe an hour and a half and, even though I lost my temper over What He Want, I actually enjoyed reading this. I do have an issue (but will get to that in a second). The writing was good and well-editted and the characters and mythology was interesting. Yes, it was a bit one-dimensional at times, but in a novella, that's to be expected.

My main issue is Corey. Most of the way through the story, he's very much "I'm straight. You're not my mate as you're a guy." He doesn't accept it immediately (which I liked) but there was no real emotion or he wondering "Could I be...?". No, none of that. But after a moments together (and a night), he's still "Nope. Am straight." And then Devin is taken by the rival pack and INSTANTLY, Corey's feelings change from "I'm straight" to "He's my mate!". Really? You changed how you see Devin and him being your mate THAT quickly?

Another small scene which bothered me was Devin picking a lock to watch Corey sleep. That whole scene, if taken out of context is VERY creepy. And the fact that, when Corey wakes to see Devin, while freaking out, Devin says something about rape (I can't remember what it was, exactly)... but, seriously?

I know most of the people reading this novella will want to know if the sex scenes are hot and steamy (not answering that!), but if you like this sort of thing, here you go. Enjoy. I think I might have judged Eden Cole too harshly with What He Wants...

Thursday 24 January 2013

GoodRead - Night School: Legacy

I managed to nab my hands on a copy of Night School: Legacy when I took part in the Night School Legacy blog tour (did you take part?) so when I have now read it and can be honest with you on my views on the book.

Allie has turned her life around. Before she was forced to join Cimmeria Academy, she was arrested three times and her family was close to a breakdown since her brother's disappearance. But at the Academy, she has got her life back. But after the fire that nearly destroyed the school (and her with it), Allie realises that Cimmeria isn't as safe as she first hoped. The school is at a centre of a conspiracy and outside forces - along with her brother's help - want control of it. And with someone inside the school working as a mole for the enemy, Allie has to be careful who she trusts. But secrets are dangerous things. They can rip the strongest of relationships apart. They can get someone killed.

As you guys are probably away if you go back to my review of Night School (which was last year, I think), I read it thinking it was a standalone and didn't rate it so highly. This time round, I know that Legacy (ok, am shortening it to this, hope that's ok for you guys) was the second book in a series so I knew there would be unanswered questions. I knew things will hit the fan. But when they did...

I really liked it. I walked into this book as if I was greeting an old friend and thoroughly enjoyed it at the beginning. But the end, I wanted to kill a few characters. But that's getting ahead of ourselves. First, let's get into the pros of this book.

It's still a slow thriller. We still have that sense of foreboding. Oh, CJ, you know how to make that work for you. And now we have the feeling of being inside a conspiracy theory, it seems more complex and layered. The character development matches the pace of the book and feels real. Like these characters are growing. And with everything that is slowly unravelling and some of the threads being wrapped up and others left annoyingly dangling (WHO'S THE MOLE, CJ?! WHO?!), making reading the next book interesting ...

I have one or two faults. Sorry, I do. I always do, I find recently. First is character development  Yes, I know I said this is a good thing (and it is), but with a character (naming no names), I wondered if they had a personality transplant. Who was this angry, possessive, controlling person, for they weren't in the first book? And I got so angry over this, the author tweeted me to see if I was ok and had calmed down (I did, but I had to stop reading it for the rest of the day).

The second thing was everyone's reaction. Now, I'm sorry, but one of the bad guys was a former student of Cimmeria and he killed people. Let's say that again. Killed. So, while they was extra security (which is fine), the characters were allowed to do midnight patrols of the grounds (when it has been known that he got pass security on several occasions), have a party at castle ruins because of tradition (again, knowing that a killer could get pass security) and hosting a Winter Ball with high profile people in the world of politics (with again, this guy has got pass security and the fact that there's a mole in the school). Sorry, but I found that hard to believe. I found it hard to believe that, if this was real, that this would be the way to go...

Anyway, Legacy. I liked it. It's better than Night School. And I'm intrigued over the next book, but I kept picking holes in it...

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Celia Bryce Virtual Writing Workshop - Plot and Narrivate

Ok, hands up who here tries to write stories? *raises mine* Ok, hands up if you guys want some advice on plotting and narrative? Well, you're in luck as, for this week, author of Anthem For Jackson Dawes, Celia Bryce is going to talk about plotting and narrative, and over the course of the week (on different blogs), she will give ideas, tips and talks about how she writes. My thanks goes to Celia for taking time to write these posts and to Ian at Bloomsbury for organizing this mini-blog tour.

Now, enough of me, let's hand it over to Celia!


Plot and Narrative are used to show and tell how a story unfolds. The plot reveals the story bit by bit, using scenes where there’s speech, action and thought. They allow the reader to step inside the book, watch what’s going on, as it goes on, and experience it at the same time as the characters. Scenes can help the reader to get to know who they’re reading about.

The narrative reveals other parts of the story which can be told just as well and just as strongly, without having to involve the characters in a scene, but which are still important to the reader. These sections of narrative can help cover weeks, months or years, in just a few sentences, paragraphs or pages.

There’s no need to show everything in scenes and no need to tell everything in narrative. We need to try to balance the two and in some stories heaps of scenes can work and in others heaps of narrative can work, but generally a good mix of the two works best. How do we choose? Let’s see. If we get up in the morning, we go to work, perhaps, or school then we come back and have something to eat, maybe watch TV and go to bed. It would be pretty boring to write or read about each and every day in scenes if nothing changes. So we can just tell what happens very simply instead, in a few words or sentences of narrative. But if, one Thursday, for example, something interesting or terrible or wonderful occurs, that’s when to use a scene, to show and involve the reader in how it happened, what was said, how the main character/characters behaved and to make the reader wonder what’s going to happen next. It’s not always easy to get it right and at times you just have to write and write till the story’s finished then have a look and see if some of the narrative can be turned into a scene or a scene turned into narrative. Or if some bits really just need to be crossed out. That happens a lot!

I think of writing a novel as rather like putting together a necklace, say a string of beads. Without the string (that is, the narrative/storyline) there’s nowhere to hang the beads (plot/scenes). That’s how I look at it. You need bits of everything. Otherwise it’s not a string of beads.

In Anthem for Jackson Dawes, the storyline is this: Megan Bright has cancer, she is treated in hospital, she recovers and is changed by the experience. This story is revealed through a number of scenes with some narrative to join them together. But if Megan’s story really was a piece of string then it would be very short and perhaps with only one or two beads on it. It certainly wouldn’t make a necklace.
If you look at a piece of string, you’ll see that it is formed from a number of strands twisted together to make it strong, hard to snap. If I’d just kept to Megan’s cancer story that would be just one strand. It could be quite weak, easy to snap. I added Jackson’s experience and intertwined it with Megan’s giving another strand to the string, making it stronger. By adding even more experiences - Gemma’s, Kipper’s, Grandad’s, Mum and Dad’s -  the piece of string growths in strength. And of course with so many more people in the story there are more beads to hang, that is, more scenes to show how they all behave when they’re with Megan. Some will be bigger than others, making them varied and interesting and the narrative will keep the scenes connected. And the necklace completed.

Monday 21 January 2013

Thursday 17 January 2013

GoodRead - Pure

When Ben from Headline (hi Ben!) asked if I had heard of Pure and its sequel (out on Valentine's Day, FYI)  by Julianna Baggott, I was honest: no, I hadn't. When he asked if I wanted to read both of them, I said yes with no real idea of what the books were about (probably a wise decision) but when I agreed, I did very little information hunting and discovered the following:

1. This book has received a lot of praise
2. This book was described as dystopian/post-apocalyptic read
3. It had the line "If you liked The Hunger Games, you'll love Pure" (A statement I dislike - but we'll talk about why on a later date, shall we?)
4. When I got the ARCs of both books, my other half called it "The Naked Book" as there was NOTHING on the cover. It was a blank white cover.

After the dropping of the Detonations, the world is split into two groups of people: the Pures and the Wretches. The Pures, who live inside the Dome, safe from the effects of the Detonations. And the Wretches, who felt the effects of the Dentonations and were fused into whatever was closest to them; wherever that was a doll, birds, a handheld fans, the pavement, other people (friends, strangers, your children), the list goes on...

Pressia lives outside the Dome, a Wretch with a doll head instead of a hand, trying to survive. Partridge, a Pure inside the Dome, knows he's not as perfect as the other Pures. And when Partridge's father says something about his mother, Partridge and Pressia's lives are thrown together in a way that no one, not even they, could imagine.

I am going to state this now and will say it again at the end of the review: Pure is the most frightening post-apocalyptic read I have read in a very long time, if not EVER!

I feel I should explain this statement. In most, if not all the dystopian novels I read, I want there to be a grain of truth. A feeling that what the book is suggesting COULD happen if we're not careful. This is why, I think, The Hunger Games trilogy, the Matched trilogy, DivergentChaos WalkingUnder the Never Sky trilogy and the Delirium trilogy have hit a nerve with us readers. It could happen if we're not careful. But Pure is the most frightening as we're almost there. It's not years in the future, but it's frighteningly close to us. The idea that the atom bomb having side effects (and yet, how many countries have their own nuclear weapons?) is terrifying so the ideas the author put forward aren't as implausible as you first think...

This book is very dark, very morbid and violent (though Julianna never glamorised the violence. She merely states it). This is not a book for the faint-hearted. You can't go into this, thinking it's a light read. If you do, I give you a matter of two or three pages before you realise your mistake.

The writing caught me up and, while there were times I wondered why I was reading this as it was so dark, I kept me turning pages, desperate for more.

There are faults (don't I always?). I might be alone with this but it took a while to connect to the characters. I did by the end of the book (hence me going "WHERE DID I PUT THE SEQUEL?!") but for a while, I didn't connect with the leads. But I think the author did this on purpose. This isn't a book you can jump straight into. You have to invest in this book.

The second thing is that this book is SO morbid. It is very morbid and dark. This will turn some of you guys off, I know this hence why I am telling you. At times, I was wondering why I was reading this dark, when the tiny moments of happiness and joy last mere pages. But again, I think the author did this on purpose. In a world that she is writing, a world that is so harsh and cruel, when you discover a tiny moment of beauty, you cling to it with everything you have because you don't know if you're going to have another moment like this...

As I have said earlier, this book is the most frightening post-apocalyptic novel I think I have ever read (and the fact that the film rights to Pure have been bought and will produced by one of the lead producers of the Twilight Saga just boggles my brain as to HOW they are going to bring it to the big screen). I do have EVERY intention to read the sequel, Fuse, but am scared to at the same time... Wish me luck!

Tuesday 15 January 2013

GoodRead - The Man In The Picture

I fully blame Amazon and their 12 Days of Kindle sale earlier this month for this. I was scared off Susan Hill by the movie version of her classic ghost story, The Woman in Black (seriously? How was that a 12A movie?!) as the audiobook version creeped me out (review here). But when I saw this for 99p, I couldn't resist. I bought it and a few others eBooks that I hope to read over the coming year (unlikely, but I shall try!).

By the fire place, Oliver's old Cambridge dom, Theo, tells a tale. A tale about a painting he has hanging on the wall. A painting of a Venetain carnival. But behind the masks within the painting, lies something sinister. Something that will slowly have an effect on Oliver's life, although he is unaware of it. For the painting isn't simply a painting...

This is a very quick read and fills very neatly into the classic ghost story. No blood, guts and gory here. Just a feeling of uneasiness and Susan Hill does this really well. I read this in 3 sittings, two of them at night and at these sittings, I did feel a little spooked by it as it was the sense of foreboding. The reader knows something awful is going to happen but the characters in the book don't.

While this is a quick read and some of you will like this this, I have problems. Two, mainly. The first is the way the story is told. I read it with four voices in my head: Oliver, Theo, the Countess (which comes later in the story) and Oliver's fiancée, Anne. While I know it should be two technically as Oliver is writing the story down, I heard four voices. And I had no idea when one voice stopped and another started. I had to guess every time a chapter started if Theo had taken over or if Oliver was still talking to us. It was very annoying and took me out of the story every now and then.

The second was the ending and the fact it didn't spook me. Maybe it was when I read it - being very tired - but with the first two sittings of read this, I got spooked. But when I read the last bit, I didn't feel spooked. I kinda guessed the ending and it didn't unnerve me. I was kinda "... is that it?"

I can very much see some of you lot reading this and getting creeped out by this. And I will read another Susan Hill ghost story (Dolly looks quite scary!), but it didn't rock my boat like The Woman in Black did.


PS - I was going to try and find an image of Venice Carnival scene but came across these two pics and don't they look creepy?!

Monday 14 January 2013

Thursday 10 January 2013

GoodRead - Scarlet

I randomly won an ARC from the US publisher of the Lunar Chronicles during their #ScarletFriday on Twitter (YEAH FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING AND FOR THE PUBLISHER BEING AWESOME TO READERS!). So, after bouncing up and down like a looney tune when I got it (in a scarlet padded envelope! I LOVE when publisher do tiny details like this! Just LOVE IT!), I jumped straight into it.

After the events of Cinder, Cinder is in prison and will soon be taken to Luna. But she can't let that happen. She has to escape. But if she does, she will the Commonweath's most wanted fugitive. But she has no choice. She has to escape...

In France, Scarlet's grandmother has vanished. And the Police have stopped looking for her. Scarlet decides to find her beloved grandmother herself. But as she starts searching for her, Scarlet begins to wonder how well she knew her grandmother. And when Scarlet discovers that her grandmother was kidnapped, she has to trust a street fighter called Wolf. But should she? 

As Cinder and Scarlet's stories collide, the ruthless Luna Queen is more determined than even in her plans to rule both Luna and Earth. And she ups her game to make Prince Kai her husband, her king, her prisoner...

Now, if you are aware from my previous review of Cinder (here's the review if you want it!), I wanted to read Scarlet first but was advise to read this to help with back story. And I am very glad I did. While you can easily jump straight into this as most of this book follows Scarlet, with Cinder's story popping up every now and again, it helped with the back story of Cinder. Of how she got into this situation, why the Queen Luna wants her dead and her story with Prince Kai (oh yes, fans of Kai, he has some chapters too. And there will be where you and every readers will scream "NO! DON'T DO IT!" at him). 

I adore this book so, of course, my review is going to be bias. I love how, unlike Cinder where everything hits the fan at the fifth chapter, Scarlet hit the ground running. I love how the story moves at a shocking fast pace (compare to Cinder, this moves fast. Cinder took past over a course of weeks. Scarlet takes place in a matter of days). I love that the pacing never truly lacked or went slack. I love how the new characters were introduced (oh, Captain Thorne is probably my fave new character as he bought much needed humour to some stressful situations). I love the direction this book went and went it's going with the next book in the series, Cress. I can not wait. 

However, while I am totally bias, I know some of you won't be. I know that there will be issues that will drive a few of you nuts over. Ok, let's address them. First of all, Scarlet and Wolf's relationship. It changes and evolves VERY QUICKLY and, in real life, this wouldn't happen. And, because the story doesn't stay with Scarlet (it jumps from her to Cinder to Prince Kai and, at one point, the Luna Queen herself [these changes will annoy some of you, as well,), some of you won't feel the chemistry between her and Wolf. The same could be said with Cinder and Captain Thorne, but seeing as they are thrust together and have to make do, their relationship works nicely. But Scarlet and Wolf's relationship does move very quickly. But, remember, we have two more books in this series and I suspect that we will be seeing more of Scarlet and Wolf in them so we will probably see more of their relationship as the series moves through Cress and into the finale, Winter

Like I said, I'm bias to this book. I adore it. I can not wait for Cress, which will be out next year (this is the disadvantage to getting ARCs - longer waits...)! Bring it on! 

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Night School Legacy Tour - Character Soundtrack

Hello! Today, it's my turn as part of the Night School: Legacy blog tour! And I get the wonderful topic of music! So, before I hand you over to the author, C J Daugherty, I want to quickly remind you all that if you are following the tour and you are taking part in the Night School Challenge, remember to find the secret word, click it and you're one step closer to winning a change to be an official Night School member and join CJ in a Google Hangout! 

Now, am handing you over to CJ Daugherty. ENJOY! And the trailer for Night School: Legacy will be at the bottom of this post! 


When I’m writing the Night School books I can see and hear the characters in my mind. I know exactly what Allie Sheridan sounds like and how she walks, the way her hair is always just a little bit dishevelled.

The same is true of Carter West, Sylvain Cassel and Rachel and all the characters. If I’m completely honest, I feel like I really know them.

I often listen to music when I’m working and there are songs that remind me of each character. When I need inspiration, sometimes I’ll listen to Allie and Carter songs, or soothe my soul with some of Isabelle’s classical music.

Here’s a soundtrack for Night School by character?
What songs make you think of Night School?

Allie Sheridan
"Been Caught Stealing" by Jane’s Addiction
I think this song perfectly captures Allie’s sense of alienation. I’m not sure there’s a better song about adolescent rebellion and thievery.

Carter West
"I Will Dare" by The Replacements
I love this song about taking a chance on someone, and about feeling old while you’re still young. And doubting yourself.

Jo Arringford
"Because I’m Awesome" by the Dollyrots
Come on. This is Jo’s THEME SONG.

Sylvain Cassel
"Kool Thing" by Sonic Youth
This song perfectly captures Sylvain’s coolness. He’s a suave guy – he could be good or bad. To me, the base line in this song is exactly how Sylvain walks.

Rachel Patel
"What’ll I Do" by Lisa Hannigan
I love how this song captures Rachel’s fun side. She’s so smart and focussed but she’s also a funny and adorable 16-year-old girl.

Isabelle La Fanult
"Opus 13" by Dustin O’Halloran
Isabelle loves classical music – it often plays through the speakers in her office. This melancholy song perfectly captures her as I imagine her.

Eloise Derleth
"No Rain" by Blind Melon
Eloise is younger than most of the teachers, and would have been pretty young when this song was out – I imagine her dancing to it as a teenager. Also because I ADORE this video.

"I’m Not Sorry" by Morrissey
Because he’s really, really not sorry.

"No Fun" by Sex Pistols
Haha – Zelazny and the Sex Pistols! It’s just too perfect! I couldn’t resist. Besides, he’s the right age so it’s entirely possible that he was once a punk. 

I hope you enjoyed this post! Here is the trailer for Night School: Legacy. My thanks goes to CJ Daugherty for taking time out to write this blog post and all the others on the Night School: Legacy blog tour, Atom Books for publishing this series and Midas PR for doing the tour. If you want to continue following the tour or take part, go here. And now, here's the trailer...

Thursday 3 January 2013

GoodRead - The Night Circus

I have no idea when I am going to post this review. I am writing at the beginning of December but I have no idea when I want to post this. It's either going to be the first review of the New Year (happy 2013 everyone!), the last Thursday of the year or on the Winter Solstice (because that's the longest night - but that's very apt for Beautiful Darkness as well). So, whenever you are reading this, I do hope this makes sense.

I read this because of Twitter. I've always wanted to read this and bought it on my kindle earlier this year, but never got round to it. And I thought I wanted Twitter to choose my next read. So, I picked six books at random (3 books, 3 eBooks) and Twitter picked this. So, I owe Twitter...

The Circus arrives without warning. It just appears, as if by magic, and leaves just as quickly. Its black and white tents holds wonders so magical, you can't believe it. But underneath the surface, as war of magical wits  is happening, and it is affecting the lives of everyone within the circus...

I'm not going to write any more than that. The reason for this is because no matter what my summary will be, it won't do the book justice. If I write one way, it makes the book sound like a thriller (and it's not). If I write it another way, it will sound like a romantic (and again, it's not). And I know, no matter how I write this, you guys will go "That's not right!" at me so, let's stop there!

First of all, let's get this out of the way. This isn't a story of the two magicians and their war with each other. It is a fraction of the story and it is the starting point of the novel, but isn't the story. This isn't a story of two people. It's a story of a thing - the Night Circus itself - and the people it affects. And while I completely get why everyone goes "There's no plot!", there is but it's so gentle interwoven into the Night Circus itself, you don't realise it's there. It's like life, in a way. Each of us are going somewhere but no idea knows how long the journey of our lives are, how quick the journey will be or how it will affect the people around us. Erin is very clever with this.

And the little chapters that are in second-person (I didn't realise this either but second-person is when the author doesn't use "I" or "he/she" but "you"). Apparently, that is a very rare and very hard to pull off. But Erin does it perfectly. I always loved reading these little chapters.

I'm sorry, but I loved this read. I know that there are people out there who will hate this read and complain that it's too slow or lacks plot or pacing, but I adore this book! There was something whimsy yet utterly compelling about this book. If you can, read it. It, like The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey, enchanted me.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Legacy Blog Tour!

Not sure what's happening with me at the moment so BEAR WITH! But, what I do know is that I am taking part in the Night School Legacy blogtour! And we have a banner for you guys!

And, because of this, there's a book trailer too! Just to wet your appetite! Enjoy and I'll see you on the tour! 

Tuesday 1 January 2013


WELCOME TO 2013!!! Let's get this year started with a BANG!!!

(My thanks to the tumblr of CassJayTuck)