The second book in the Infernal Devices trilogy, Clockwork Prince practically starts within days of Clockwork Angel, Tessa Gray is still coming to terms that demons, vampires and her mysterious history. With the future of the the London Institute's leadership under threat, Tessa with Shadowhunters (and parabatai), Will and Jem go to the Yorkshire Institute for information on the history and, hopefully, the location of the Magister and her brother, Nate.
But as the story unfolds, so does Tessa feelings for both Will and Jem. So, she has to make a decision about this love triangle. But love is dangerous, when it's been revealed that one of their own has betrayed them...
Now, I found Clockwork Angel an odd creature. I was stepping into a world I already knew but, for Tessa, it was new and terrifying. So, it took a few chapters to get your head round that and how being in Victorian London is different than modern day New York. But
And as for the love triangle. Well... it doesn't get easier. I know reviewers (like SisterSpooky and District YA) who, with every chapter, kept changing Teams. I feel like I am a Team Jem but who knows as Clockwork Princess is out next year so there's still time...
I'm trying not to reveal too much as I don't want to spoil it for anyway, but this book doesn't suffer from "Middle Book Syndrome". It stands up for itself and tells the story strongly and give us character development and plot twists after plot twist that felt me going "What? What?! WHAT?!".

This is probably my favourite book in the Infernal Devices & Mortal Instruments that I have read so far (am going to read City of Fallen Angels with Mundie Moms next Read-A-Long) and I can not wait for, what I think will be, the stunning yet heartbreaking conclusion, Clockwork Princess.
*blinkers on* I shall not look. I shall not look.